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ebcdicConverter - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSession3270
The codepage mapper.
ebcdicConverter - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSession5250
The codepage mapper.
EC_Accepted - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Bad_Gateway - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Bad_Request - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Conflict - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Created - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Expectation_Failed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Forbidden - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Found - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Gateway_Time_out - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Gone - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_HTTP_Version_not_supported - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Internal_Server_Error - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Length_Required - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Method_Not_Allowed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Moved_Permanently - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Multiple_Choices - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_No_Content - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Non_Authoritative_Information - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Not_Acceptable - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Not_Found - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Not_Implemented - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Not_Modified - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Partial_Content - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Payment_Required - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Precondition_Failed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Proxy_Authentication_Required - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Request_Entity_Too_Large - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Request_Time_out - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Request_URI_Too_Large - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Requested_range_not_satisfiable - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Reset_Content - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_See_Other - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Service_Unavailable - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Temporary_Redirect - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Unauthorized - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Unsupported_Media_Type - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
EC_Use_Proxy - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
ECLIPSE_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface com.netphantom.eclipse.INetPhantomEclipseConstants
Special transaction for NetPhantom Editor Eclipse integration connection.
ECLIPSE_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminTransactions
Special transaction for NetPhantom Editor Eclipse integration connection.
EclipseDotProjectFile - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Class for Eclipse projects validation.
EclipseDotProjectFile(File) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.EclipseDotProjectFile
Constructor to verify a directory for presence of ".project" and read config.
eclipseFormatTextPrompt(PhantomRuntime, PhantomPanelData, ENPObject, String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualTextPrompt
This static method formats a text prompt in a StringBuilder for the Editor, typically used for the title text of a panel, displayed in Eclipse Navigator.
EclipseInstallation - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Class used to manage the Eclipse installation with the plug-ins.
EclipseInstallation() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.EclipseInstallation
EclipseIntegration - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
The Eclipse Integration module for the Admin port.
EclipseProject - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
The Eclipse project class.
EclipseProjects - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
The Eclipse projects class.
edit(VirtualPanel) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigGroups
Called to edit the dialog box definitions of the groups.
edit(VirtualSessionManager, VirtualComponentAdapter) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigUser
Starts editing the dialog box.
edit(VirtualPanel) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigUsers
Called to edit the dialog box definitions of the groups.
EDIT_REQUEST - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.PanelDesignerControl
Mouse values.
editable - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox.PhantomCListBoxColumn
Editable field.
editApplicationData() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Edits the application data.
editor() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
EditorDirectInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server.phed
The interface which allows programmatically access to editor.
EditorTerminalApplication - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed
Class extending the Terminal Application with Editor functionality.
EditorTerminalApplication() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.EditorTerminalApplication
EEField(PhantomFile, int) - Constructor for class
Loads the EE field from the EE screen file.
EEFile(PhantomFile) - Constructor for class
Loads the EE file containing the host screen definition and the host fields.
EELogic(String, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class
EELogic(PhantomFile, int) - Constructor for class
Loads a step of logic from the EEM file.
EEMaster - Class in
Load the EEM file and appropriate EE files.
EEMaster() - Constructor for class
Constructor used when catching an EE file.
EEMaster.EEField - Class in
Loads the EE field from the EE screen file.
EEMaster.EEFile - Class in
Loads the EE file.
EEMaster.EELogic - Class in
Loads and handles a step of logic of the EEMaster file.
EEMaster.EERuntime - Class in
Handles all logic assigned to a EE(M) file in a "live" session.
EEMaster.EEScreen - Class in
Loads the EE screen from the EE file.
EERuntime() - Constructor for class
EEScreen(String, String, PhantomFile, int) - Constructor for class
Loads the EE screen containing the host screen definition and the host fields.
EEScreen(HostSession, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new EE screen for the current screen in a host session.
EFT_AMOUNT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
Amount entry field.
EFT_DATE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
Date entry field.
EFT_DATEAMOUNT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
Combined mask for date and amount.
EFT_NORMAL - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
Normal entry field.
EFT_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
Password entry field.
ELEMENT_DECL_NODE - Static variable in class org.openxml.dom.NodeImpl
Element declaration node.
ElementDeclImpl - Class in org.openxml.dom
ElementFactory - Interface in org.openxml.dom
Alternative API will be introduced in OpenXML 1.1
ElementFilter - Class in org.openxml.dom.traversal
Implements a filter for elements with the specified tag name, When this filter is used with a node iterator, the iterator will only return elements with a matching tag name, or all if the pattern "*" is used.
ElementImpl - Class in org.openxml.dom
The most common node type, Element inherits the generic Node interface and adds support for retrieving and setting attributes either as nodes or as strings.
ElementImpl(DocumentImpl, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openxml.dom.ElementImpl
Constructor requires only owner document, optional namespace URI and qualified name.
EMPTY - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPObject
Empty array.
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTreeNode
An empty array of nodes.
EMPTY_PANELS - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomApplicationData
Empty panels array.
emptyLineEnds - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
Empty line ends.
enable(boolean) - Method in enum se.entra.phantom.client.Beep
Enables or disables the beep.
enableClientProcessing(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Enabled or disables all client processing.
enableCutCopyAppend(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.TerminalFunctions
Enables or disables the menu items Cut/Copy/Append.
enabledTLSProtocols - Variable in class com.netphantom.server.utils.SSLParams
The enabled TLS protocols in a semi-colon separated string with the supported values TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3, or null for none.
enableNewEnviron(int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.Telnet3270PlayBack
Enables the Telnet NEW-ENVIRON TN5250E negotiation.
enableNewEnviron(int, String) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.TelnetHost
Enables the Telnet NEW-ENVIRON TN5250E negotiation.
enableNewEnviron(int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.TelnetThread
Enables the Telnet NEW-ENVIRON TN5250E negotiation.
enablePopupMenuItem(String, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Enable/disable the identified pop-up menu item for this panel.
enablePrinterSupport() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.Telnet3270PlayBack
Enables printer emulation support.
enableSessionPool(String, boolean) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.SessionPoolingManager
Enables or disables a RUNTIME.HOSTID session pool that is currently created.
enableTN3270E() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.TelnetThread
Enables the Telnet TN3270E extensions.
enableTopMenuItems(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.TerminalApplication
Enables or disables all top menu items in the main terminal window.
enableUnlimitedCryptography() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Make sure to enable unlimited cryptography (try to enable it for Java 8 update 152 or better).
enableUnlimitedCryptography(boolean) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Make sure to enable unlimited cryptography (try to enable it for Java 8 update 152 or better).
enableWriteCache(IniFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSession
Enables the write cache of string for the Java Client.
encodeBase64(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.auth.Auth
Encodes a String in ISO-8859-1 character set into Base64 format.
encodeBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.auth.Auth
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
encodeFont(int, int, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph
Encodes a font face, point size and attributes to a 16 bit UShort value.
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.DefaultCrypto
Encrypts the data (can also compress it if required).
encrypt(byte[], int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.DefaultCrypto
Encrypts the data (can also compress it if required).
endDocument() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.SAXBuilder
endElement(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.SAXBuilder
endElement(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.SAXBuilder
ENDPROTSEL - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the list ends at first protected selection line.
endsWith(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Tests if the source byte array ends with the specified suffix byte array.
enlargePool() - Method in class org.openxml.util.FastStringPool
ENPAppFileReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for application files (e.g.
ENPAppFileReference(PhantomRuntime, int, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPAppFileReference
Creates the reference.
ENPBarFileReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for Bar files.
ENPBarFileReference(PhantomApplicationData, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPBarFileReference
Creates the reference.
ENPHiddenPanelReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for panel.
ENPHiddenPanelReference(PhantomHostData, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPHiddenPanelReference
Creates the reference.
ENPHostFieldReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for host field.
ENPHostFieldReference(PhantomHostData, String, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPHostFieldReference
Creates the reference.
ENPHostScreenReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for host screen.
ENPHostScreenReference(PhantomHostData, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPHostScreenReference
Creates the reference.
ENPImageReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for image.
ENPImageReference(PhantomRuntime, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPImageReference
Creates the reference.
ENPObject - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
The NP object is an object that can be streamed over a Transaction holding information about any NetPhantom part of the application that is displayed in Eclipse tree views (Explorer or References).
ENPObject(int, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPObject
Creates a new Object with just the type and ID, no extra information or specific image.
ENPObject(int, String, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPObject
Creates a new Object with just the type and ID, extra information and no specific image.
ENPObjectReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for NetPhantom Object.
ENPObjectReference(PhantomApplicationData, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPObjectReference
Creates the reference.
ENPPanelReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for panel.
ENPPanelReference(PhantomApplicationData, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPPanelReference
Creates the reference.
ENPPopupMenuReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for pop-up menu.
ENPPopupMenuReference(PhantomApplicationData, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPPopupMenuReference
Creates the reference.
ENPRootObject - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
The root class for Eclipse objects in a NetPhantom file.
ENPRootObject(IENPObjectOwner) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPRootObject
The root constructor.
ENPTextIDReference - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project
Reference object for text ID.
ENPTextIDReference(PhantomApplicationData, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPTextIDReference
Creates the reference.
ensureOpen() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NpPrintStream
Check to make sure that the stream has not been closed
enter - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
The Enter button.
enterElementState(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.parser.ContentParser
enterErrorState(int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
Enters the error state.
EntityImpl - Class in org.openxml.dom
Implements an entity.
EntityImpl(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openxml.dom.EntityImpl
Constructs an unparsed general entity.
EntityImpl(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openxml.dom.EntityImpl
Constructs an external general entity.
EntityImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openxml.dom.EntityImpl
Constructs an internal general entity.
entityReference(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLBuilder
entityReference(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.SAXBuilder
entityReference(String) - Method in interface org.openxml.parser.DocumentHandlerEx
entries() - Method in interface com.netphantom.common.IJarFile
Returns an enumeration of the Jar file entries.
entries() - Method in interface com.netphantom.common.IJarFile
Returns an enumeration of the Jar file entries.
entries() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Returns an enumeration of the Jar file entries.
entries() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Returns an enumeration of the Jar file entries.
entries() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.NpJarFile
Returns an enumeration of the Jar file entries.
entries() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.NpJarFile
Returns an enumeration of the Jar file entries.
ENTRYFIELD - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.ColorMapper
EnumeratorFromIterator<T> - Class in se.entra.phantom.common
Class that converts an Iterator to Enumerator interface, i.e.
EnumeratorFromIterator(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.EnumeratorFromIterator
Constructs the Enumeration implementing class from an Iterator.
environment - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpSession
The user environment.
EOF - Static variable in class org.openxml.parser.StreamParser
Indicates that end of file (or the input stream) has been reached and no more character are availble.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.netphantom.common.JarFilePath
Checks if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.netphantom.common.JarFilePath
Checks if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.netphantom.eclipse.REXXSource
Checks if two REXXSource's are equal, i.e.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.netphantom.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomain
Two domain names are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ElementDeclImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ElementImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.EntityImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.NodeImpl
Returns true if this node and other are identical by content but not context.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.NotationImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParamEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParentNodeImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParentNSNodeImpl
equals(String) - Method in class org.openxml.util.FastString
equals(Object) - Method in class org.openxml.util.FastString
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.ComboString
Comparison by instance.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.FieldPaintInterface.Field
Check if the field is the same as another field.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HotSpot
Checks if one hot spot is equal to another.
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Checks for equality of two objects, e.g.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ApplicationReferences.BaseReference
Checks if two identifications are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.FileError
Checks if two items are equal.
equals(HostColors) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostColors
Checks if a color scheme equals another one.
equals(HostPopupWindow.Rect) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostPopupWindow.Rect
This methods checks if two rectangles are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBar
Checks for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBarControl
Checks for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox.PhantomCListBoxColumn
Checks for control equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCNoteBookAction
Checks for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCNoteBookPage
Checks for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControl
Checks if two control base's are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlBase
Checks if two control base's are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostField
Two host fields are identical, used by screen equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreen
Checks if two screens are equal in terms of all screen identifications and fields, i.e.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreenIdentification
Checks if one identification is equal to another.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomMenu
Checks if two menus are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomMenuItem
Checks if two menu items are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomMessageBox
Checks if two message boxes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Checks if two Objects are equal, it doesn't work with Pop-up menus.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomPanelData
Checks if two panels are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomPopupMenu
Checks if two menu items are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPObject
Checks for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPRootObject
Checks for equality.
equals(AdminConfigGroups) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigGroups
Checks if two groups are equal.
equals(AdminConfigUser) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigUser
Checks if a user definition is equal to another one.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCCheckBox
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCComboBox
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCEntryField
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCGroupBox
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCMLE
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCNoteBook
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControl
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCOutputText
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCPushButton
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCRadioButton
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCRectangle
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCSpinButton
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCStaticText
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCSubWindow
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCTree
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCUnknown
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCUserWindow
Checks for control equality.
equalsControl(PhantomControl) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomListCapableControl
Checks for control equality.
equalsGuiOnTheFly(PhantomHostScreen) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreen
Checks if two screens are equal to one another using the Gui-on-the-fly value calculated when it was created.
equalsGuiOnTheFly(PhantomPanelData) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomPanelData
Checks if this panels Gui-on-the-fly CRC32 value is equal to another panel's value created in the same manner.
equalsIdentification(PhantomHostScreen) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreen
Checks if another screen equals in the screen identification.
equalsPanel(PhantomPanelData) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomPanelData
Checks if two panels are equal.
equalsUpper(String) - Method in class org.openxml.util.FastString
eraseEOF() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.Display3270
Deletes all characters in the current field from the current cursor position to end of line.
eraseEOF() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
Erases the end of this input field.
eraseEOF(int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Field
Erases the end of this input field.
eraseInput() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.Display3270
Clears all input capable fields.
eraseInput() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
This key works only on the unprotected fields that the workstation operator has modified.
eraseInput() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.FormatTable
This function works only on the unprotected fields that the workstation operator has modified.
ERR_CREATE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
ERR_FORMAT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
ERR_NOTFOUND - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Error codes.
ERR_OUTOFMEMORY - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
ERR_READ - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
ERR_WRITE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
errCode - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpSession
The current error code (zero if none yet, or 200 if OK).
ERRCODE_CHECK_DIGIT_ERROR - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_FIELD_FULL - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_FIELD_MINUS_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_INVALID_ALPHA_CHAR - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_INVALID_NUMERIC_CHAR - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_INVALID_SEND_KEY_AFTER_SYS_REQ - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_INVALID_SIGNED_NUMERIC_CHAR - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_MANDATORY_ENTER - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_MANDATORY_FILL - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_NOT_RIGHT_ADJUSTED - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
ERRCODE_PROTECTED_FIELD - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
errExtra - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpSession
The current extra error text (empty string if none yet).
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.openxml.parser.ErrorReportImpl
error(int, String) - Method in class org.openxml.parser.StreamParser
Reports a parser error.
error - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
The string for "Error".
ERROR_CALL_CLASS_RUN_ACTION - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
ERROR_CONTROL_ID_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
ERROR_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.netphantom.eclipse.CompilerHelper
Error file extension "rexxerr", without the '.' dot.
ERROR_GLOB_VAR_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
ERROR_HOST_FIELD_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
ERROR_HOST_SESSION_NOT_CONNECTED - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
ERROR_INSTANCIATING_CALLED_CLASS - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
ERROR_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
ERROR_NOT_CURRENT_HOST_SCREEN - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
ERROR_UNEXPECTED_RETURN_STRING - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
errorCode - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
The error code or zero for no error.
errorDescription - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPAction
The error description or null for no error.
errorOutput - Variable in class com.netphantom.eclipse.REXXSource
Error contents from NetRexx compile.
ErrorReport - Interface in org.openxml.parser
The error report facility is an implementation of the SAX error handler.
ErrorReportImpl - Class in org.openxml.parser
Implements an error report facility which is also a SAX error handler.
ErrorReportImpl() - Constructor for class org.openxml.parser.ErrorReportImpl
Create a new error reporter with the report level ErrorReport.REPORT_ALL_ERRORS and the stop level ErrorReport.STOP_AT_NO_ERROR.
ErrorReportImpl(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openxml.parser.ErrorReportImpl
Create a new error reporter with the specified report level and stop level.
errPrint(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.BinaryTrace
Prints a line of text to stderr even if redirection is present.
errPrintln(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.BinaryTrace
Prints a line of text to stderr even if redirection is present.
errText - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpSession
The current error text (empty string if none yet).
EVENT_C_AdminConnectionListenerError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Inbound remote administration connection listener error.
EVENT_C_ClientConnectionListenerError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Inbound client connection listener error.
EVENT_C_ClientServerAddressError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Entry 'clientServerAddress' caused exception.
EVENT_C_CryptInterfaceError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error loading cryptographic interface.
EVENT_C_GeneralIOError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
General I/O Error.
EVENT_C_HostCommunicationError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Host communication (general) error.
EVENT_C_HostReceiveCommunicationFailed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Host communication (at receive) failed.
EVENT_C_HostSendCommunicationFailed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Host communication (at send) failed.
EVENT_C_InternalProgramError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Internal program error.
EVENT_C_InvalidRemoteAdministrationCommand - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Invalid remote administration command.
EVENT_C_License - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Critical events for the License engine.
EVENT_C_MaxClientCountReached - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Maximum concurrent user count reached.
EVENT_C_MaxWebServerRequestCountReached - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Maximum simultaneous web server requests reached.
EVENT_C_NewClientConnectionAllowedError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error during new connections from clients allowed.
EVENT_C_NewClientConnectionDisallowedError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error during new connections from clients not allowed.
EVENT_C_NoAuthenticationApplicationLoaded - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
No authentication application is loaded.
EVENT_C_NotSupportedYet - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Function not supported in this NetPhantom version.
EVENT_C_WebServerOutOfMemory - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Web server is out of memory.
EVENT_CC_Begin - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The beginning of the Criticals.
EVENT_CC_End - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The end of the Errors.
EVENT_CHAR - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_CHECK - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_CLICK - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_COMMAND - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_CP_InvalidTelnetIACState - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
An invalid Telnet IAC state was received from host.
EVENT_DBLCLICK - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_DDECONNECTION - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_DDEDATA - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_DDEERROR - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_DDEEXECUTE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_DDEINVALIDATE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_DDEPOKE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_DDEREQUEST - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_DEFOCUS - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_E_AdminUserExitError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Administration User Exit cannot be created.
EVENT_E_CannotLoadRuntimeFile - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Cannot load a runtime file.
EVENT_E_ClientCertError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client Certificate error.
EVENT_E_Connector - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error events for the Connectors.
EVENT_E_EventLogEngine - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error events for the event log engine.
EVENT_E_EventMessenger - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error events for the event messenger engines.
EVENT_E_EventUserExitError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Event User Exit cannot be created.
EVENT_E_FileReadError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Cannot read the file.
EVENT_E_FontSubstitutionSectionInvalid - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The [FontSubstitution] section in "server.ini" contains invalid data.
EVENT_E_HostSectionInvalid - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The [host] section in "server.ini" contains invalid data.
EVENT_E_HTMLLoadDocument - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error loading HTML document.
EVENT_E_HTMLParser - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
HTML parser error.
EVENT_E_InvalidAdminServerPort - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The adminServerPort in [base] in "server.ini" is invalid.
EVENT_E_InvalidClientServerPort - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The clientServerPort in [base] in "server.ini" is invalid.
EVENT_E_InvalidClientSessionCount - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Invalid setting for maximum client session count.
EVENT_E_InvalidCountrySetting - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Invalid setting found in the [country] section in "server.ini".
EVENT_E_InvalidTraceFile - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The trace file names are invalid.
EVENT_E_LoadBalancing - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Load balancing error.
EVENT_E_LocaleDataNotFound - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Locale specific text data not found in "server.phm".
EVENT_E_LUMappingUserExitError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The 3270 LU Mapping User Exit cannot be created.
EVENT_E_NoSuchAlgorithmException - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The MessageDigest class doesn't support the current algorithm.
EVENT_E_RemoteApplication - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error events for the RemoteApplication engine.
EVENT_E_SecureLogin - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error events for the SecureLogin engine.
EVENT_E_SessionPooling - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error events for the SessionPooling engine.
EVENT_E_TransactionVersionError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The client and server transaction version doesn't match.
EVENT_E_UserAuthenticationUserExitError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The User Authentication User Exit cannot be created.
EVENT_E_WebApplicationError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Web Application error.
EVENT_E_XML - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
XML error.
EVENT_EC_Begin - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The beginning of the Errors.
EVENT_EC_End - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The end of the Errors.
EVENT_EP_BackwardsCompatible - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The runtime file is not compiled with the "Backwards compatible" option.
EVENT_EP_GeneralFailure - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A general failure occurred in the Telnet Communication.
EVENT_EP_InvalidHostCodePage - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
HostCodePage is invalid.
EVENT_EP_InvalidHostSessionID - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The host session ID is not A to Z.
EVENT_EP_InvalidHostSessionIDEntryFormat - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The host session ID specification is invalid (ID=Type HostAddress [ HostPort [ PeerData ] ]).
EVENT_EP_InvalidHostSessionRef - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The reference to host session ID not found.
EVENT_EP_InvalidSignature - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Phantom file doesn't have the correct file signature.
EVENT_EP_InvalidVersion - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The runtime file is not compiled with the "Backwards compatible" option.
EVENT_EP_NoHostSessionIDs - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
No host session IDs are listed (ID=Type HostAddress [ HostPort [ PeerData ] ]).
EVENT_EP_NoMacroInPHE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A Phantom Object refers to a macro that doesn't exist in the PHE file.
EVENT_EP_NoPHA - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Phantom file (PHA) is not in correct format.
EVENT_EP_NoPHE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Phantom file (PHE) is not in correct format.
EVENT_EP_NoPHO - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Phantom file (PHO) is not in correct format.
EVENT_EP_NoPHW - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Phantom file (PHW) is not in correct format.
EVENT_EP_NoTerminalTypeListSpecified - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
No host terminal type specified in "server.ini".
EVENT_EP_ObjectClassNotFound - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A Phantom Object (REXX code or DLL object) Java Class couldn't be found.
EVENT_ERROR - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RemoteApplication
The event class: error.
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.EventMessengerInterface
Name of the compulsory ini-file item EventFilter
EVENT_FOCUS - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_I_ApplicationBroadcastClientMessage - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A message is broadcasted to clients running an application.
EVENT_I_ApplicationNotAllowedWithHostID - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The requested application is disabled and the server refused the client connection.
EVENT_I_BroadcastClientMessage - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A message is broadcasted to clients.
EVENT_I_ClientCertAuthSuccess - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Success in authenticating client certificate.
EVENT_I_ClientConnected - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
New client connection has been established.
EVENT_I_ClientDisconnected - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client connection has been disconnected.
EVENT_I_ClientEnvironment - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client environment.
EVENT_I_ClientServerListenInfo - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Server will listen for client connection on address:port.
EVENT_I_ClientSessionClosedByOperator - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client session was closed by the operator.
EVENT_I_ClientStartingAdminApp - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The client is starting the Server Administration application.
EVENT_I_ClosingServerSocket - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Starting server socket.
EVENT_I_ConnectedToHost - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A host session has been connected.
EVENT_I_ConnectingToHost - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A host session is being established.
EVENT_I_CurrentCacheSize - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Current cache size.
EVENT_I_DisconnectedFromHost - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A host session has been disconnected.
EVENT_I_DisposingClientConnection - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A client connection has been disposed.
EVENT_I_EventFileRotated - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The event log files are rotated.
EVENT_I_EventFileStarted - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The event log file is started.
EVENT_I_EventFileStopped - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The event log file is stopped.
EVENT_I_EventLogEngine - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Informational events for the event log engine.
EVENT_I_EventMessenger - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Informational events for the event messenger engines.
EVENT_I_FinishedPreloadingClasses - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Finished preloading of classes.
EVENT_I_HostEOFException - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Informational event for Host Connection closed (EOF).
EVENT_I_HostTerminalTypeNegotiated - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The host and the server have negotiated a terminal type.
EVENT_I_HTTPRequest - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
HTTP request.
EVENT_I_HTTPTunnelingEnabled - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
HTTP request.
EVENT_I_InactivityDispose - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Closing client connection due to inactivity.
EVENT_I_InactivityWarning - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Sending connection inactivity warning sent to client.
EVENT_I_KeyboardRemapperSaved - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Terminal keyboard remapper saved to file.
EVENT_I_License - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Informational events for the License engine.
EVENT_I_LoadBalancing - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Load balancing information.
EVENT_I_LoadingClientCerts - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Loading the client certificates database.
EVENT_I_LoadingRevokedClientCerts - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Loading the revoked client certificates database.
EVENT_I_LoadingRuntimeApplication - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server is loading runtime application.
EVENT_I_LoadResource - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Web Server loads resource.
EVENT_I_LoadSSLInformation - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Loading SSL information.
EVENT_I_LUMapperFileReloaded - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The LU mapper file has been reloaded.
EVENT_I_MaxCacheSize - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Current max cache size.
EVENT_I_MaximumClientCountSetting - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Maximum client connection count setting has been set.
EVENT_I_NewClientConnectionAllowed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
New connections from clients is allowed.
EVENT_I_NewClientConnectionDisallowed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
New connections from clients is not allowed.
EVENT_I_NewKeyboardRemapper - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
New terminal keyboard remapper assigned.
EVENT_I_NewTerminalColors - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
New terminal colors assigned to host session index.
EVENT_I_PhantomEditor - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
PhantomEditor engine information event.
EVENT_I_RemoteApplication - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Informational events for the RemoteApplication engine.
EVENT_I_ResourceSize - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Size of a resource.
EVENT_I_ResumeInactivity - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client is resuming from connection inactivity warning.
EVENT_I_SecureLogin - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Informational events for the SecureLogin engine.
EVENT_I_SendClientMessage - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
A message is sent to client.
EVENT_I_ServerAdminInterface - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server administration interface is successfully started.
EVENT_I_ServerHardRestart - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server is restarting after a hard restart.
EVENT_I_ServerReady - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server is in a ready state.
EVENT_I_ServerRestartDownWhenNoUsers - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server will restart when all users have disconnected.
EVENT_I_ServerShutDown - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server has shut-down properly.
EVENT_I_ServerShuttingDown - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server is about to shut-down.
EVENT_I_ServerShuttingDownWhenNoUsers - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server will shut-down when all users have disconnected.
EVENT_I_ServerSoftRestart - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server is restarting after a soft restart.
EVENT_I_ServerStartup - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server is starting up.
EVENT_I_ServerStoppedHardJVMRestart - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server has been stopped for a hard JVM restart...
EVENT_I_ServerStoppedRestart - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server has been stopped for a restart...
EVENT_I_SessionPooling - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Informational events for the SessionPooling engine.
EVENT_I_StartPreloadingClasses - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Start of preloading of classes.
EVENT_I_StartServerSocket - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Starting server socket.
EVENT_I_StoppingServerSocket - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Stopping server socket.
EVENT_I_TerminalColorsSaved - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Terminal colors saved to file "ProgramName.terminalColors".
EVENT_I_TraceFileRotated - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The trace files are rotated.
EVENT_I_TraceSettingChanged - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Trace setting has changed for a client or the default tracing.
EVENT_I_UserAuthenticationInterfaceStarted - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The User Authentication interface is successfully started.
EVENT_I_UserDeniedApplicationDisabled - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The requested application is disabled and the server refused the client connection.
EVENT_I_WebApplication - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Web application notification.
EVENT_I_WebServerLoaded - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Web Server interface is successfully loaded.
EVENT_I_WebServerStopped - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The Web Server is stopped.
EVENT_IC_Begin - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The beginning of the Informational.
EVENT_IC_End - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The end of the Informational.
EVENT_INFORMATIONAL - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RemoteApplication
The event class: informational.
EVENT_PAGEDOWN - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_PAGEUP - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_SELECT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_USERCHANGE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
EVENT_W_AccessNotAllowed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
No access allowed (no groups for resource).
EVENT_W_AuthorisationRepeatedNCValue - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Possible authentication replay attack.
EVENT_W_ClientCertificateRequired - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client certificate required.
EVENT_W_ClientCertNotInDB - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client certificate not in access control database.
EVENT_W_ClientCertRevoked - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client certificate revoked in revoked access control database.
EVENT_W_ClientCommunicationFailed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client communication failed.
EVENT_W_DomainAccessNotAllowed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Domain access is not allowed.
EVENT_W_EncryptionRequired - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Encryption required.
EVENT_W_ErrorSendingHostKeys - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error when sending keystrokes to host session.
EVENT_W_ErrorSettingHostField - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Error when setting data to a host field.
EVENT_W_EventLogEngine - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning events for the event log engine.
EVENT_W_EventMessenger - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning events for the event messenger engines.
EVENT_W_ForcedDisposingClientConnection - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Forced disposal of client connection due to inactivity.
EVENT_W_GroupIDFormatFailure - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Group ID format failure.
EVENT_W_GuiOnTheFly - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning events for the Gui-on-the-Fly module.
EVENT_W_HelpDocumentNotFound - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Help document not found.
EVENT_W_HostColorError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Loading terminal colors file I/O error.
EVENT_W_HostConversion - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning event for host conversion, such as combination box, spin button.
EVENT_W_HTMLFormData - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
HTML FORM data error.
EVENT_W_HTTPRequest - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
HTTP request error.
EVENT_W_InconsistantRuntimeApplication - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
An inconsistency detected in the runtime application.
EVENT_W_InvalidClientHashCode - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Client transaction ignored due to new server data.
EVENT_W_InvalidClientParameter - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
An invalid client parameter was detected.
EVENT_W_InvalidClientQueueSize - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The clientQueueSize setting in "server.ini" is invalid, the default size will be used.
EVENT_W_InvalidUserIDPassword - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
EVENT_W_InvalidWebServerRequest - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
An invalid Web Server request was received.
EVENT_W_KeyboardRemapperError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Loading terminal keyboard remapper file I/O error.
EVENT_W_License - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning events for the License engine.
EVENT_W_LoadBalancing - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Load balancing warning.
EVENT_W_PhantomEditor - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning events for the PhantomEditor engine.
EVENT_W_PhantomObjectExecError - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
An error occured during execution of a Phantom Object.
EVENT_W_PreloadClassFailed - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Preloading of a class failed.
EVENT_W_RemoteApplication - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning events for the RemoteApplication engine.
EVENT_W_ResourceFormatFailure - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Resource format failure.
EVENT_W_SecureLogin - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning events for the SecureLogin engine.
EVENT_W_ServerConfigurationRequired - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The server requires configuration.
EVENT_W_SessionPooling - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning events for the SessionPooling engine.
EVENT_W_StrongEncryptionRequired - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Strong encryption required.
EVENT_W_TooManyBadLogins - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
User has been inactivated due to too many invalid logins;
EVENT_W_UnknownDocumentBase - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The SSL connection from the client is not accepted due to unknown document base.
EVENT_W_UserIDFormatFailure - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
User ID format failure.
EVENT_W_WarningClientCountReached - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning level of concurrent user count reached.
EVENT_W_WarningWebServerRequestCountReached - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Warning level of simultaneous web server requests reached.
EVENT_W_WebServerRequestException - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
Web Server request exception.
EVENT_WARNING - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RemoteApplication
The event class: warning.
EVENT_WC_Begin - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The beginning of the Warnings.
EVENT_WC_End - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The end of the Errors.
EVENTCLASS_CRITICAL - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The event class for critical events (2).
EVENTCLASS_CRITICAL - Static variable in class windowsnt.eventlog.WindowsNTEventLog
The event class for critical events (2).
EVENTCLASS_ERROR - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The event class for errors (1).
EVENTCLASS_ERROR - Static variable in class windowsnt.eventlog.WindowsNTEventLog
The event class for errors (1).
EVENTCLASS_INFORMATIONAL - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The event class for informational events (4).
EVENTCLASS_INFORMATIONAL - Static variable in class windowsnt.eventlog.WindowsNTEventLog
The event class for informational events (4).
EVENTCLASS_WARNING - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
The event class for warnings (3).
EVENTCLASS_WARNING - Static variable in class windowsnt.eventlog.WindowsNTEventLog
The event class for warnings (3).
eventClassNames - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ServerEvent
The array of event classes.
EventFilter - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
The event filter class holds a global array of event IDs that are logged or not.
EventFilter() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.EventFilter
The constructor creates a buffer with all possible events set to default (i.e.
EventFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.EventFilter
The constructor creates a buffer with all possible events set to default (i.e.
EventHistoryListener - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
The event history listener interface is used to intercept new events posted on the event queue.
EventID - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
This class contains the integer representation of all events that the NetPhantom server can output.
EventID() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.EventID
EventInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
The server has a global event manager running in a thread.
EventInterface2 - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
The server has a global event manager running in a thread.
EventManager - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
The server has a global event manager running in a thread.
EventMessengerInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
This is an interface that must be implemented by all EventMessengers.
ExecuteProcess(Rexx, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
Executes a Process, waiting for the response code and reading the STDOUT/STDERR output streams.
ExecuteProcess(String, boolean, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Executes a Process, waiting for the response code and reading the STDOUT/STDERR output streams.
executeRemainingElements() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.SessionPoolingScriptData
Executes all sibling tags including the current element.
executeRemainingElements(Element) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.SessionPoolingScriptData
Executes all sibling tags including the current element up to the lastElement.
executeScript(DefaultSessionPoolingHandler, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.SessionPoolingData
Executes the specified script index (SCRIPT_nnn value).
exists(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.ImageReferencesValidator
Validates the presence of an image file name.
exists() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXFile
Tests if the file exists.
existsAsFile() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.FileChangedChecker
Checks if this is an existing file.
existsAsFile() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.FileChangedChecker
Checks if this is an existing file.
exit(int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Exits the system with a return code.
exit(int, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Exits the system with a return code.
exitApplication() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSession
Exits the current client session.
exitApplication() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionInterface
Exits the current client session.
exiting() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.client.ISystem
Informs the OS that the application is exiting.
exitMessage(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Shows a message Dialog with an Exit message.
exitMessage0(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Shows a message Dialog with an Exit message.
exitMessage0(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.PhantomEditor
Shows a message Dialog with an Exit message.
exitTitle - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
Exit message heading.
expand - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
Expandable list.
expand(VirtualCTreeNode) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTree
Expands a node.
expand() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTreeNode
Collapses this node.
expandAll(TreeViewer) - Static method in class com.netphantom.swt.SWTHelper
Performs the Expand all on a tree viewer, very fast.
expandAll(VirtualCTreeNode) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTree
Expands this node and all below it.
expandAll() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTreeNode
Collapses this node and all below it.
EXPANDRIGHT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the expand last column flag.
expandToLevel(int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTree
Expands the tree to a level.
expandToLevel(VirtualCTreeNode, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTree
Expands the node and its children up to a level.
EXTENDEDINFO_IDS_TO_CLIENT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
extension - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpResource
The extension of the resource.
EXTERNAL_STDERR - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.ConsoleOutput
Defines for index in array for colors.
EXTERNAL_STDOUT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.ConsoleOutput
Defines for index in array for colors.
extra - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.ENPObject
Extra information.
extraParams - Variable in class com.netphantom.server.utils.PublishApplication.Application
The extra parameters for NetPhantom Client.
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