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CachedDesignerImage - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed
A cached designer image used by controls.
CachedDesignerImage(File, boolean) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.CachedDesignerImage
Constructs the image file item.
cacheItem - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCListCapableControl
Member initiated to the cached file.
callAllControlObjects(int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Calls all virtual control objects.
callAllControlObjects(int, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Calls all virtual control objects.
callAllControlObjects(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Calls all virtual control objects.
CallClassInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server.rapp
This interface must be implemented by all CallClass actions running on the server.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCBar
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCExternalImage
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualControl
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCPushButton
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCUserWindow
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualInterface
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualMenuItem
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl(int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPopupMenu
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPullDownMenu
"Calls" the control in question.
callControl() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualServerUserWindowAdapter
"Calls" the control in question.
callCreate() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Call all objects with create and hidden events.
callCreateAfterHostCursor() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Call all objects in notebook panel pages with create and hidden events.
callCreateBeforeHostCursor() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Call all objects with create and hidden events.
callDdeServer(DDECallServer) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.dde.DDECallServer
Start call to DDESRV in a static thread.
callHiddenObject(PhantomWorker) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomApplicationData.Directory
Call the hidden panel object if any.
callNBPanelAndControls(VirtualCNoteBook, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Call NB panel object and all underlaying control objects.
callObject(String, String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.SessionManager
Calls an object in the server.
CallObject(Rexx, Rexx, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
Calls a Phantom object.
callObject(PhantomWorker, VirtualInterface, String, int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Calls the object with the parameters id, action, string.
callObject(ObjectReply, PhantomWorker, VirtualInterface, String, int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Calls the object with the parameters id, action, string.
callObject(PhantomWorker, VirtualInterface, String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Calls the object with the parameters id, action, string.
callObject(ObjectReply, PhantomWorker, VirtualInterface, String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Calls the object with the parameters id, action, string.
CallObject(String, String, int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Calls a NetPhantom object.
callObject(int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualControl
Calls the control's object (if defined).
callObject(String, int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualControl
Calls the control's object (if defined).
callObject(int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualMenuItem
Calls the control's object (if defined).
callObject(int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Calls the Phantom panel Object.
callObject(int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Calls the Phantom panel Object.
cancel - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
The Cancel button.
CancelException - Exception in se.entra.phantom.server.phed
Operation canceled exception used with progress monitor.
CancelException() - Constructor for exception se.entra.phantom.server.phed.CancelException
Single constructor.
CancelException(String) - Constructor for exception se.entra.phantom.server.phed.CancelException
Single constructor.
cancelNotebookPaging() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanelSession
Cancel notebook paging.
cancelNotebookPaging() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Cancels notebook paging when a user has selected a notebook page that is not the Next or the Previous one.
cancelPrintjob() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ReportRequester
Will cancel the printjob.
cancelQuit() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.client.ISystem
Cancels a quit operation.
cancelSelection() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.PJFileChooser
Called by the UI when the user chooses the Cancel button.
canCompileForNetPhantom5(ArrayList<String>, HashMap<String, PhantomObject>) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Checks if the Object can be compiled for NetPhantom 5.
canConfigureSSL() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigSSL
Checks if SSL can be configured.
canReadName(String) - Method in class org.openxml.parser.StreamParser
Returns true if the specified name can be read and consumes it all.
CAPTURECHANGED - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.PanelDesignerControl
castNewChild(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.AttrImpl
Assures that the children of an attribute are either Text or EntityReference.
castNewChild(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLDocumentImpl
castNewChild(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLElementImpl
castNewChild(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParentNodeImpl
Checks whether newChild can be added to this node as a child, and if so, performs a necessary cast.
castOldChild(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParentNodeImpl
Checks whether oldChild is a direct child of this node, and if so, performs a necessary cast.
catBetweenLabels - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph.PhantomCBusGraphCategories
Categories between labels.
catBetweenMarks - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph.PhantomCBusGraphCategories
Categories between marks.
catchScreenAsEE(HostSession, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Catch a screen as EE.
catCrossAtVal - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph.PhantomCBusGraphValues
Category axis crosses at value.
categoriesObject - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph
The Categories axis object.
categoryData - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph.PhantomCBusGraphCategories
Category data.
categoryTextColor - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph.PhantomCBusGraphCategories
Category axis color.
categoryTextFont - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph.PhantomCBusGraphCategories
Category axis font.
categoryTitleColor - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph.PhantomCBusGraphCategories
Category title text color.
categoryTitleFont - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph.PhantomCBusGraphCategories
Category text font.
categoryTitleText - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph.PhantomCBusGraphCategories
Category text.
CC_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
Background color conversion.
CC_BOTH - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
Foreground AND Background color conversion.
CC_FOREGROUND - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
Foreground color conversion.
CC_NONE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
No color conversion.
cdataSection(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLBuilder
cdataSection(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.SAXBuilder
cdataSection(String) - Method in interface org.openxml.parser.DocumentHandlerEx
CellData() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCListBox.CellData
cells - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.ListBoxInfo.ListBoxInfoColumn
List of list box cells.
cells - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostField
An array holding a column of cells that forms a column in a listbox.
centerDialog(Shell) - Static method in class com.netphantom.swt.SWTHelper
Centers a dialog on screen.
CertificateWizardListener - Class in com.netphantom.certwizard
Java Component object listening to events for both the panel and the component(s).
CertificateWizardListener() - Constructor for class com.netphantom.certwizard.CertificateWizardListener
Creates the CertificateWizard instance.
CF_DISPLAY_HIDDEN - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBarControl
CF_GREYOFF - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBarControl
CF_RECTTOTEXT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBarControl
CF_XLATE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBarControl
cFlags - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox.PhantomCListBoxColumn
Column flags.
CFLAGS_COLMOVEABLE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the columns moveable flag in CFlags.
CFLAGS_COLSORTABLE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the columns sortable flag in CFlags.
CFLAGS_EXPANDRIGHT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the expand last column right flag in CFlags.
CFLAGS_NEXTLINE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the enter performs new line flag in CFlags.
CFLAGS_PAGEUPDOWN - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the page up/down buttons flag in CFlags.
CFLAGS_SELREQ - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for selection is requiered.
CFLAGS_XPAND - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for list is expandable flag in CFlags.
CFont - Class in se.entra.phantom.common
Class holding the font definition of an item or component.
CFont() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.CFont
Creates an default font.
CFont(int) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.CFont
Creates a font initialized with an index.
CFont(Font) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.CFont
Creates a font initialized with a Java-style Font.
CFont(Font...) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.CFont
Creates a font initialized with a Java-style Font's.
CFont(List<Font>) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.CFont
Creates a font initialized with a Java-style Font's.
cgaColors - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindow
The 16 CGA colors.
cgaColors - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostColors
The array of colors.
cgaColors - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostScreen
The 16 CGA colors.
CgiHtmlResourceInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server.http
This interface is implemented by classes acting as "CGI programs" for the NetPhantom Web Server.
CgiHttpResourceInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server.http
This interface is implemented by classes acting as "CGI programs" for the NetPhantom Web Server.
CgiPrintInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server.http
This interface is implemented by classes acting as "CGI programs" for the NetPhantom Web Server.
CHANGE_HEADER_TXT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCListBox
The constant for change header text.
CHANGE_LINE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCListBox
The constant for existing line changed.
changeClientLanguage(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSessionManager
Changes the language according to "ClientConnectionData.language".
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PControl
The entry field item has changed.
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PJSpinButton
The entry field item has changed.
changeEventFile() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Changes the event file.
changeEventFile() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ServerAdminInterface
Changes the event file.
changeFont(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBusGraph
Changes a font according to the flags.
changeHostSession(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Change host session.
changeLockState(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostLockChange
Changes the lock state.
changePassword(ClientConnectionData, String, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultUserAuthenticationExit
Changes the password for a UserID.
changePassword(ClientConnectionData, String, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.InternalUserAuthenticationExit
Changes the password for a UserID.
changePassword(ClientConnectionData, String, String) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.UserAuthenticationInterface
Changes the password for a UserID.
changeTextFile(ClientSessionInterface, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualRuntime
Changes the text file.
changeTextFile(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Changes the text file and notifies panels and controls.
changeTraceFile() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Changes the trace file.
changeTraceFile() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ServerAdminInterface
Changes the trace file.
changeTranslationTable(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualRuntime
Changes the translation table file.
changeUserFromController(Transaction, String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigUser
Changes the group table to reflect changes from a controller computer.
CHAR - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPCallObject
Character accept/convert object message.
CHAR - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ObjectCalling
Character accept/convert object message.
characters(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.SAXBuilder
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.SAXBuilder
characters(String) - Method in interface org.openxml.parser.DocumentHandlerEx
charAt(int) - Method in class org.openxml.util.FastString
CharIn(Rexx, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
CharIn returns a string of up to length characters read from the character input stream name.
CharIn(String, long, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
CharIn returns a string of up to length characters read from the character input stream name.
CharOut(Rexx, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
CharOut returns the count of characters remaining after attempting to write string to the character output stream name.
CharOut(String, String, long) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
CharOut returns the count of characters remaining after attempting to write string to the character output stream name.
Chars(Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
Chars returns the total number of characters remaining in the character input stream name.
Chars(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Chars returns the total number of characters remaining in the character input stream name.
check(char[], List<HotSpot>, int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Hyperlink
Checks if a hot spot is found.
check(char[], List<HotSpot>, int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.KeyHotSpot
Checks if a hot spot is found.
check(char[], List<HotSpot>, int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HotSpot
Checks if a hot spot is found.
CHECK - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPCallObject
Check field object message.
CHECK - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ObjectCalling
Check field object message.
checkAccessRights(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigFileManager
Checks for access rights of a file or directory name.
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.RemoteAssistanceClient
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.RemoteAssistanceSupport
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class NetPhantomStarterSSL
Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return if it can be validated and is trusted for client SSL authentication based on the authentication type.
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.SSLRemoteApplication
Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return if it can be validated and is trusted for client SSL authentication based on the authentication type.
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ssl.NetPhantomJSSEServerSocket
Checks if connected client can be trusted.
checkDisposed() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultSessionPoolingHandler
Sets the disposed flag and throws the SessionPoolingDisposed exception.
checkDisposed() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomWorker
Check if worker has been disposed.
checkEnabledNoDialogs() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Checks if the menu bar is enabled and no dialog boxes are present before performing a function.
checkForDeadlocks() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ThreadDeadlockDetector
Checks for deadlocks.
checkForSSLArchive() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminApplication
Checks that the SSL package is there.
checkInactivity(int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSession
Checks if a warning message should be displayed on the client due to inactivity or if the session should be closed.
checkInputField() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Field
Checks all input fields for valid content when the cursor is just moved with the cursor keys.
checkInputField(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Field
Checks all input fields for valid content.
checkInputFields() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
Checks all input fields for valid content.
checkInputFields(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
Checks all input fields for valid content.
checkInputFields(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.FormatTable
Checks all input fields for valid content.
checkJavaVersion() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Checks the Java version and platform.
checkLaunchEclipse() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.EclipseInstallation
Checks for Eclipse launch.
checkNTParams(String[]) - Static method in class windowsnt.eventlog.WindowsNTEventLog
Checks if the options "-ntservice" and/or "-nteventlog" are specified.
checkOwnerSecurityGranted(HttpResourceDefinition, HttpResourceDefinition) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpResourceDefinition
Checks two resources, an owner and a new item.
checkOwnerSecurityGranted(AdminConfigProtection, AdminConfigProtection) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigProtection
Checks two resources, an owner and a new item.
checkOwnerSecurityGranted(AdminConfigResource, AdminConfigResource) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigResource
Checks two resources, an owner and a new item.
checkPingRequired() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultSessionPoolingHandler
Checks if a session ping is required for this session and if so this operation is initiated.
checkPrinterOperation(int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.DataStream3270
Checks the printer operation type in the WCC for LU3 type printers.
checkPrinterOperation(int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.DataStream3270Printer
Checks the printer operation type in the WCC for LU3 type printers.
checkPrintWindow(KeyEvent) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_TERMINAL
Checks for Print Window keystroke.
checkPrintWindow(KeyEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.TerminalWindowInstance
Checks for Print Window keystroke.
checkPrintWindow(KeyEvent) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindowListener
Checks for Print Window keystroke.
checkPrintWindow(KeyEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSessionManager
Checks for Print Window keystroke.
checkScriptDisposed() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.SessionPoolingScriptData
Check for script disposal (the maximum time and session disposal is checked).
checkSecurityGranted(AdminConfigProtection) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigProtection
Checks two resources, an owner and a new item.
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.RemoteAssistanceClient
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.RemoteAssistanceSupport
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class NetPhantomStarterSSL
Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return if it can be validated and is trusted for server SSL authentication based on the authentication type.
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.SSLRemoteApplication
Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return if it can be validated and is trusted for server SSL authentication based on the authentication type.
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ssl.NetPhantomJSSEServerSocket
Can the application trust a server? Throws the exception immediately since this is not an alternative for the server (which in this case would act as a client).
checkTextPromptReferences(ENPObject, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControl
Checks a text prompt for added references to text ID and host fields.
checkTextPromptReferences(ENPObject, String, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControl
Processes a text string for the push button, check box and radio button for images.
className - Variable in class com.netphantom.eclipse.REXXSource
The class name in Java.
cleanCurrentProject() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.EclipseIntegration
Cleans the current project in Eclipse.
cleanNetRexxOutput() - Method in class com.netphantom.eclipse.REXXSource
Cleans this source from output files when NetRexx is going to be built.
cleanOutputFolder() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomRuntime
Cleans the application output folder from ALL files, recursively.
cleanREXXOutput() - Method in class com.netphantom.eclipse.REXXSource
Cleans this source from output files when REXX is going to be built.
cleanWaitStable(int, long) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientWorker
Remove all events of the indicated return type.
clear() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostScreen
Clears the entire screen.
clear() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.FormatTable
Clears the format table.
clearCache() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.client.ColorMapper
Clears the cached color table, used when changing look-and-feel.
clearCache() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.ResourceCache
Clears the web server cache.
clearCaches() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpResources
Clears the web server caches.
clearCaches() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpWebServer
Clears the web server caches.
clearFlag(int, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.Focus
Clear one bit flag.
clearImageCache() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.ImageReferencesValidator
Clears the image cache.
clearIndicator(int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
Clears an indicator value (IND_*).
clearLoadedFilesList() - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.NpJarFile
Clears the loaded files list.
clearLoadedFilesList() - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.NpJarFile
Clears the loaded files list.
clearLock() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.SessionManager
Clears the lock state.
clearNextMessageBoxOwner() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.SessionManager
Clears the next dialog owner for message boxes.
clearPanel(VirtualPanel) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigSecureLogin
Clears the panel.
clearScreen() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.Display3270
Clears the presentation space.
clearScreen() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
Clears the presentation space (sets display size to 24 x 80).
clearScreenAlternate() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
Clears the presentation space (sets display size to 27 x 132).
clearSelectedMenuPath() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PFocusManager
Clears a selected menu path.
clearTypeAhead() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSession
Clears the type-ahead buffer.
clearWebServerCache() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Clears the web server cache.
click() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLInputElementImpl
client - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
The instance of the client.
Client - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.sms
The client side of an SMS service.
Client() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.sms.Client
CLIENT_TRACE_INDEX - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientConnectionData
The index for Client trace.
CLIENT_TYPE_HTML - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
The HTML client type.
CLIENT_TYPE_JAVA - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
The Java client type.
CLIENT_TYPE_RAPP - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
The Remote Application client type.
clientAddress - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientConnectionData
The address of the client.
clientCertFileName - Variable in class com.netphantom.server.utils.SSLParams
The client certificate or null for none.
clientCertPassword - Variable in class com.netphantom.server.utils.SSLParams
The client certificate user ID.
ClientCommunicationAdapter - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
This convenience adapter class imlements the interface of a non-NetPhantom Java Client such as e.g.
ClientCommunicationAdapter() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientCommunicationAdapter
ClientCommunicationInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
The manager for all threaded client sessions that clients can connect to.
ClientCommunicationListener - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
This interface is implemented by a non-NetPhantom Java Client such as e.g.
clientConnectionChanged() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.DefaultAdminExit
Called to inform of a client connection change.
clientConnectionChanged() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ServerAdminExit
Called to inform of a client connection change.
ClientConnectionData - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
This class contains the data of a client connection.
ClientConnectionData(long, byte[], InetAddress, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientConnectionData
The constructor initiates the trace levels to defaults, i.e.
ClientConnectionData(InetAddress, String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientConnectionData
The constructor initiates the trace levels to defaults, i.e.
ClientConnectionData(InetAddress) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientConnectionData
The constructor initiates the trace levels to defaults, i.e.
clientConnectionData - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultSessionPoolingHandler
The client connection data for this session.
ClientConnectionInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
The manager for all threaded client sessions that clients can connect to.
ClientConnectionListener - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
This interface is implemented by the ClientSessionManager in order to processing new incoming connections.
clientDisconnected(ClientConnectionData) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.lumapper.DefaultLUMapperExit
This method is called whenever a client of a particular LU name has disconnected from the server (note: not from the host session, because the NetPhantom API provides methods such as HostConnect and HostDisconnect).
clientDisconnected(ClientConnectionData) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.LUMapperInterface
This method is called whenever a client of a particular LU name has disconnected from the server (note: not from the host session, because the NetPhantom API provides methods such as HostConnect and HostDisconnect).
ClientExecute(Rexx, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
Performs a task on the client side.
ClientExecute(boolean, String, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Performs a task on the client side.
clientExecute(boolean, String, String, String[]) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Performs a task on the client side.
clientFlags - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCEntryField
The flags #1 passed on to the client.
clientFlags - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCOutputText
The flags passed on to the client.
clientFlags - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCStaticText
The flags passed on to the client.
clientFlags - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCSubWindow
The flags transfered to the client.
ClientInactivity - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
This class is a daemon thread that checks all client connections for inactivity.
ClientInactivity() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientInactivity
Creates the inactivity routine.
ClientSession - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
The threaded client session that one clients can connect to.
clientSession - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpSession
The client session that this HTTP session is tied to (null if none).
clientSession - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
The client session on the server side.
clientSession - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
The reference to the client session.
ClientSessionAdapter - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
This interface is used by the Connector to register itself as a listener for the client session events such as Connect/Dispose.
ClientSessionAdapter() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionAdapter
ClientSessionDisposed - Error in se.entra.phantom.server
An instance of the ClientSessionDisposed is thrown by the NetPhantom API or kernel in order to stop the execution of any Java code (or NetRexx).
ClientSessionDisposed() - Constructor for error se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionDisposed
ClientSessionDisposeListener - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
Objects may implement this interface and they will be notified when a client session is disposed if they are added to the an object table using the method VirtualSessionManager.saveObject.
ClientSessionInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
This interface is implemented by the ClientSession in order to interact with the session running on the client side.
ClientSessionListener - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
This interface is used by the Connector to register itself as a listener for the client session events such as Connect/Dispose.
ClientSessionManager - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
The manager for all threaded client sessions that clients can connect to.
ClientSessionManager(String, boolean) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Creates an initial count of thread sessions.
ClientSessionManager(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Creates an initial count of thread sessions.
ClientSessionManager(String, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Creates an initial count of thread sessions.
ClientSessionManager.Statistics - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
The statistics for transactions.
ClientSessionManagerInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.common
The interface implemented for classes that provide direct interface access.
ClientSocket - Class in com.netphantom.server.utils
The client socket class is a direct replacement for the Socket class and supports plain or SSL connections.
ClientSocket(String, int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class com.netphantom.server.utils.ClientSocket
Creates a new plain socket connection with INI file settings.
ClientSocket(String, int, InetAddress, SSLParams) - Constructor for class com.netphantom.server.utils.ClientSocket
Creates a new plain or secured socket connection with SSL params.
clientToServerMask - Static variable in class com.netphantom.common.websocket.WebSocket
The binary mask for frames sent from client to server.
clientTrace(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSession
Performs a trace output (normally after a call to doClientVerboseTrace.
clientTrace(String) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionInterface
Performs a trace output (normally after a call to doClientVerboseTrace.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCBar
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCBusGraph
Business graphics does not have client updates.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCCheckBox
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCEntryField
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCExternalImage
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCGroupBox
Group box control does not have client updates.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCListBox
The client has sent an update transaction to the server.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCListCapableControl
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCListCapableControl
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCMLE
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCNoteBook
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualControl
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCOutputText
Output text never sends updates!
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCPushButton
Buttons do not get updates from client.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCRadioButton
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCRectangle
Rectangle control does not have client updates.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCStaticText
Static text does not have client updates.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCSubWindow
Subwindow does not have client updates.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTree
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCUnknown
Unknown control does not have client updates.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCUserWindow
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
This method is called from the VirtualSessionManager to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualServerUserWindowAdapter
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualUserWindowInterface
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.PHED_AVAILABLECOLORS
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_AVAILABLECOLORS
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_COLORCHOOSER
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_FONTMETRICS
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
clientUpdated(Transaction) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_JMXRMI
This method is called from the VirtualPanel to cause a client transaction to update the panels.
ClientWorker - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
The threaded client session that one clients can connect to.
ClientWorker.ClientWorkerInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
Interface for the ClientWorker.
CLIPBOARD_GET - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
CLIPBOARD_SET - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.NetPhantomConstants
clipboardComponent(int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Copies(0)/cut(1)/pastes(2)/clears(3) the component content to clipboard.
ClipbrdGet() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
This method get the clipboard data from the client.
ClipbrdGet() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
This method get the clipboard data from the client.
ClipbrdSet(Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
This method set the clipboard on the client.
ClipbrdSet(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
This method set the clipboard on the client.
CListBox - Class in se.entra.phantom.client
A listbox controller.
CListBox() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.client.CListBox
CLK - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPCallObject
Single-click object message.
CLK - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ObjectCalling
Single-click object message.
clockAM - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.common.LocaleInfo
The AM clock string (or null for 24 hour clock).
clockPM - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.common.LocaleInfo
The PM clock string (or null for 24 hour clock).
clockSeparator - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.common.LocaleInfo
The separator character between hours-minutes-seconds (default '.').
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.AttrImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.CommentImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ElementDeclImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ElementImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.EntityImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLDocumentImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLElementImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.NotationImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParamEntity
clone() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ProcessingInstructionImpl
clone() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.ColorItem
Clones the ColorItem.
clone() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Colors
Clones the Colors.
clone() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
clone() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostPrinterSettings
Clones this instance of host printer settings.
clone() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomApplicationData.Directory
Clones this object shallow.
clone() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControl
Makes a clone of a PhantomControl instance.
clone() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlBase
Makes a clone of a PhantomControlBase instance.
clone(PhantomRuntime) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostData
Creates a clone of the host data for client parallel run in the Editor.
clone() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomRuntime
Creates an instance of the runtime that is used for parallel run at launch time of a client.
cloneCurrentKeyboardRemapper() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.KeyboardRemapper
Creates a clone of the current manager.
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.AttrImpl
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ElementImpl
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.EntityImpl
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.NodeImpl
This clone method is called after a new node has been constructed to copy the contents of this node into the new one.
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.NotationImpl
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParamEntity
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParentNodeImpl
cloneInto(NodeImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParentNSNodeImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.AttrImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.CommentImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ElementDeclImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ElementImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.EntityImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLDocumentImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLElementImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.NotationImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParamEntity
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ProcessingInstructionImpl
close() - Method in interface com.netphantom.common.IJarFile
Closes the Jar file.
close() - Method in interface com.netphantom.common.IJarFile
Closes the Jar file.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.JarClassLoader
Closes this class loader, so that it can no longer be used to load new classes or resources that are defined by this loader.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.JarClassLoader
Closes this class loader, so that it can no longer be used to load new classes or resources that are defined by this loader.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Closes the ZIP file.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Closes the ZIP file.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.NpJarFile
Closes the Jar file.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.NpJarFile
Closes the Jar file.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.websocket.WebSocket
Closes the connection.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.eclipse.CodepageReader
Closes the stream.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.jmx.ConnectorService
Closes the service.
close() - Method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.ClientSocket
Closes the socket.
close() - Method in class
Closes the current socket connection to the client.
close() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLDocumentImpl
close() - Method in class org.openxml.parser.StreamParser
Closes the input stream.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.DefaultSocket
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.RemoteSocket
Closes the socket.
close() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.client.SocketInterface
Closes this socket.
CLOSE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPCallObject
Close request of panels object message.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RemoteApplication
Closes the connection.
close() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.AsyncLogger
Closes the logger, waiting for it to finish.
close() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ClientCommunicationInterface
Closes an open client connection.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultServerSocket
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpSession
Closes an open client connection.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HttpTunnelingCommunication
Closes the current socket connection to the client.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NpPrintStream
Close the stream.
CLOSE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ObjectCalling
Close request of panels object message.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomFile
Close stream and file.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomOutputFile
Close stream and file
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXFile
Closes the file.
close() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ServerSocketInterface
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.socket.ISocket
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.socket.SocketAdapter
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.socket.SocketClientCommunication
Closes the current socket connection to the client.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ssl.NetPhantomJSSEServerSocket
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.Telnet3270PlayBack
Closes the current connection.
close() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.TelnetHost
Closes the current connection.
close() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.TelnetThread
Closes the current connection.
closeAll() - Static method in class com.netphantom.jmx.ConnectorService
Closes all connector services.
closeAllSessions(ClientSessionManager, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.SessionPoolingData
Closes "nicely" or not all the started sessions in the pool.
closeClientListener() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ClientConnectionInterface
Closes and disposes of the connection listener.
closeClientListener() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PortManager
Closes and disposes of the connection listener.
closeClientListener(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PortManager
Closes and disposes of the connection listener.
closeClientListener(String, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PortManager
Closes and disposes of the connection listener.
closeClientListener() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.socket.SocketClientConnectionListener
Closes and disposes of the connection listener.
closeFileTransfer() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminFileTransferInterface
Closes the file transfer of the requested file.
closeFileTransfer() - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_FILETRANSFER
Closes the file transfer of the requested file.
closePrintjob(Report) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ReportRequester
Will send the report to the client for printing.
closeProject() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.common.MouseInterface
Close the current application.
closeProject(boolean) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Closes the application, asks Java first or not, depending if the call is from JNI or not.
closeProject() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.TerminalMouseHandler
Close the current application.
closeProjectDirect() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.phed.EditorDirectInterface
Close the current application.
closeProjectDirect() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.TerminalMouseHandler
Close the current application without asking for save etc.
closeSocket() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.websocket.WebSocket
Closes the socket connection without informing the other WebSocket party.
closeSocketHard() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.websocket.WebSocket
Closes the socket connection in a very hard way.
closeTunnel(int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.SessionManager
Closes a socket tunnel from the client to the server on the specified port.
CloseWindow - Interface in se.entra.phantom.client
The PJInternalFrame uses this interface to notify an owner that the window is closed.
cmbs - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ApplicationReferences
Combobox file references.
CMD - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPCallObject
Command object message.
CMD - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ObjectCalling
Command object message.
CMD_CLEAR_FORMAT_TABLE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_CLEAR_UNIT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_CLEAR_UNIT_ALTERNATE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_ESCAPE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_READ_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_READ_INPUT_FIELDS - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_READ_MDT_FIELDS - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_READ_SCREEN - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_RESTORE_SCREEN - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_ROLL - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_SAVE_SCREEN - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_WRITE_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_WRITE_STRUCTURED_FIELD - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMD_WRITE_TO_DISPLAY - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
CMLE - Class in se.entra.phantom.client
CMLE is the main class for MLE.
CMLE() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.client.CMLE
Codepage8859_1 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin1 (West European) codepage.
Codepage8859_1() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.Codepage8859_1
Codepage8859_2 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin2 (East European) codepage.
Codepage8859_2() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.Codepage8859_2
Codepage8859_3 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin3 (South European) codepage.
Codepage8859_3() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.Codepage8859_3
Codepage8859_4 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin4 (North European) codepage.
Codepage8859_4() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.Codepage8859_4
Codepage8859_5 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Cyrillic codepage.
Codepage8859_5() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.Codepage8859_5
Codepage8859_6 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Arabic codepage.
Codepage8859_6() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.Codepage8859_6
Codepage8859_7 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Greek codepage.
Codepage8859_7() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.Codepage8859_7
Codepage8859_8 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Hebrew codepage.
Codepage8859_8() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.Codepage8859_8
Codepage8859_9 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin5 (Turkish) codepage.
Codepage8859_9() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.Codepage8859_9
CodepageConverter - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
The class is the actual "doer" for the CodepageMapper class.
CodepageConverter(int[], String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Creates an instance and sets the available codepage.
CodepageCp037 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the USA/Canada(Bilingual/French)/Netherlands/Portugal/Brazil/Australia codepage.
CodepageCp037() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp037
CodepageCp1025 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Multilingual Cyrillic (Bulgaria/Bosnia/Herzegovina/Macedonia-FYR) codepage.
CodepageCp1025() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1025
CodepageCp1026 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin-5 (Turkey) codepage.
CodepageCp1026() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1026
CodepageCp1046 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Open Edition US EBCDIC codepage.
CodepageCp1046() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1046
CodepageCp1097 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Iran(Farsi)/Persian codepage.
CodepageCp1097() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1097
CodepageCp1098 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Iran (Farsi)/Persian codepage.
CodepageCp1098() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1098
CodepageCp1112 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latvia/Lithuania codepage.
CodepageCp1112() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1112
CodepageCp1122 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Estonia codepage.
CodepageCp1122() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1122
CodepageCp1123 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Ukraine codepage.
CodepageCp1123() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1123
CodepageCp1140 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the USA/Canada(Bilingual/French)/Netherlands/Portugal/Brazil/Australia + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1140() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1140
CodepageCp1141 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Austria/Germany + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1141() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1141
CodepageCp1142 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Denmark/Norway + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1142() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1142
CodepageCp1143 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Finland/Sweden + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1143() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1143
CodepageCp1144 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Italy + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1144() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1144
CodepageCp1145 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Spain/Catalan/Latin America (Spanish) + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1145() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1145
CodepageCp1146 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the United Kingdom/Ireland + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1146() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1146
CodepageCp1147 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the France + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1147() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1147
CodepageCp1148 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the EBCDIC 500V1 (Belgium/Canada/Switzerland) + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1148() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1148
CodepageCp1149 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Iceland + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1149() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1149
CodepageCp1153 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Multilingual Latin-2 (Serbia) + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1153() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1153
CodepageCp1154 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Multilingual Cyrillic (Bulgaria/Bosnia/Herzegovina/Macedonia-FYR) + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1154() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1154
CodepageCp1155 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin-5 (Turkey) + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1155() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1155
CodepageCp1156 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latvia/Lithuania + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1156() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1156
CodepageCp1157 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Estonia + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1157() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1157
CodepageCp1158 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Ukraine + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp1158() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1158
CodepageCp1250 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Eastern Europe (Latin-2) codepage.
CodepageCp1250() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1250
CodepageCp1251 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Cyrillic codepage.
CodepageCp1251() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1251
CodepageCp1252 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Western Europe (Latin-1) codepage.
CodepageCp1252() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1252
CodepageCp1253 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Greek codepage.
CodepageCp1253() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1253
CodepageCp1254 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Turkish codepage.
CodepageCp1254() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1254
CodepageCp1255 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Hebrew codepage.
CodepageCp1255() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1255
CodepageCp1256 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Arabic codepage.
CodepageCp1256() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1256
CodepageCp1257 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Baltic codepage.
CodepageCp1257() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1257
CodepageCp1258 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Vietnamese codepage.
CodepageCp1258() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp1258
CodepageCp273 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Austria/Germany codepage.
CodepageCp273() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp273
CodepageCp277 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Denmark/Norway codepage.
CodepageCp277() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp277
CodepageCp278 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Finland/Sweden codepage.
CodepageCp278() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp278
CodepageCp280 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Italy codepage.
CodepageCp280() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp280
CodepageCp284 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Spain/Catalan/Latin America (Spanish) codepage.
CodepageCp284() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp284
CodepageCp285 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the United Kingdom/Ireland codepage.
CodepageCp285() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp285
CodepageCp297 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the France codepage.
CodepageCp297() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp297
CodepageCp420 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Arabic codepage.
CodepageCp420() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp420
CodepageCp424 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Hebrew codepage.
CodepageCp424() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp424
CodepageCp437 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the United States/Australia/New Zeeland/South Africa codepage.
CodepageCp437() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp437
CodepageCp500 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the EBCDIC 500V1 (Belgium/Canada/Switzerland) codepage.
CodepageCp500() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp500
CodepageCp737 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Greek codepage.
CodepageCp737() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp737
CodepageCp775 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Baltic codepage.
CodepageCp775() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp775
CodepageCp838 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Thailand extended SBCS codepage.
CodepageCp838() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp838
CodepageCp850 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin-1 codepage.
CodepageCp850() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp850
CodepageCp852 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin-2 codepage.
CodepageCp852() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp852
CodepageCp855 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Cyrillic codepage.
CodepageCp855() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp855
CodepageCp857 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Turkish codepage.
CodepageCp857() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp857
CodepageCp858 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latin-1 + Euro codepage.
CodepageCp858() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp858
CodepageCp860 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Portuguese codepage.
CodepageCp860() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp860
CodepageCp861 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Icelandic codepage.
CodepageCp861() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp861
CodepageCp862 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Hebrew codepage.
CodepageCp862() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp862
CodepageCp863 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Canadian French codepage.
CodepageCp863() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp863
CodepageCp864 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Arabic codepage.
CodepageCp864() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp864
CodepageCp865 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Nordic codepage.
CodepageCp865() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp865
CodepageCp866 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Russian codepage.
CodepageCp866() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp866
CodepageCp868 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Pakistan codepage.
CodepageCp868() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp868
CodepageCp869 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Modern Greek codepage.
CodepageCp869() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp869
CodepageCp870 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Multilingual Latin-2 (Serbia) codepage.
CodepageCp870() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp870
CodepageCp871 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Iceland codepage.
CodepageCp871() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp871
CodepageCp874 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Thai codepage.
CodepageCp874() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp874
CodepageCp875 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Greek (New) codepage.
CodepageCp875() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp875
CodepageCp918 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Pakistan (Urdu) codepage.
CodepageCp918() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp918
CodepageCp921 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Latvia/Lithuania codepage.
CodepageCp921() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp921
CodepageCp922 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Estonia codepage.
CodepageCp922() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageCp922
CodepageMapInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
All codepage classes implements this interface.
CodepageMapper - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
Maps ASCII to/from Unicode, EBCDIC to/from Unicode, Ansi to/from Unicode.
CodepageMapper() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
CodepageMS874 - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.codepage
Codepage class for the Windows Thai codepage.
CodepageMS874() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.codepage.CodepageMS874
CodepageReader - Class in com.netphantom.eclipse
Universal codepage reader that supports reading any character set.
CodepageReader(InputStream, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.netphantom.eclipse.CodepageReader
Creates the reader from an input stream with default system codepage (e.g.
colContr - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The columnControllers.
colCount - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
Number of columns.
colFlags - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
Common flags for all columns.
COLFLAGS_ACTKEYPAD - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the activate keypad flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_AUTOTAB - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the autotab flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_COLCENTJUST - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the column center justified flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_COLLEFTJUST - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the column left justified flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_COLRIGHTJUST - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the column right justified flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_CURSBEG - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the cursor at beginning flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_EDITABLE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the editable flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_HEADCENTJUST - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the header center justified flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_HEADLEFTJUST - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the header left justified flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_HEADRIGHTJUST - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the header right justified flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_HINDINUM - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the hindi-numeric flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_RTOL - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the right to left text flag in ColFlags.
COLFLAGS_SELENT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the select entire field flag in ColFlags.
collapse(VirtualCTreeNode) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTree
Collapses a node.
collapse() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTreeNode
Collapses this node.
collapseAll(VirtualCTreeNode) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTree
Collapse this node and all below it.
collapseAll() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCTreeNode
Collapses this node and all below it.
collator - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.common.LocaleInfo
The collator used for sorting.
COLMOVEABLE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for movable columns flag.
color - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
COLOR_16 - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.Terminal
Default colors (hotspot).
COLOR_16 - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostColors
Default colors (hotspot).
COLOR_17 - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.Terminal
COLOR_17 - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostColors
ColorItem - Class in se.entra.phantom.common
This class holds the color of a component.
ColorItem() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.ColorItem
colorMap - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.ColorMapper
This array contains the color defines as the integer values below indicates:
ColorMapper - Class in se.entra.phantom.client
Maps Phantom color indexes to Java Colors.
ColorMapper() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.client.ColorMapper
colors - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.ColorMapper
The color array.
Colors - Class in se.entra.phantom.common
This class holds the fore- and background colors of a component.
Colors() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.Colors
Creates a new empty instance of the Colors.
Colors(ColorItem, ColorItem) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.Colors
Creates a new instance of the Colors.
colors - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.TerminalSettings
The host colors (or null when not set).
colSbar - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
Column scrollbar flag.
COLSORTABLE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox
The constant for the sortable columns flag.
columnOffset - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostFieldLocation
The column offset of the cursor relative the host field.
columns - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.ListBoxInfo
List of list box columns.
colWidth - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox.PhantomCListBoxColumn
The column width.
com.netphantom.certwizard - package com.netphantom.certwizard
com.netphantom.common - package com.netphantom.common
com.netphantom.common - package com.netphantom.common
com.netphantom.common.memjar - package com.netphantom.common.memjar
com.netphantom.common.npjar - package com.netphantom.common.npjar
com.netphantom.common.websocket - package com.netphantom.common.websocket
com.netphantom.eclipse - package com.netphantom.eclipse
com.netphantom.jmx - package com.netphantom.jmx
com.netphantom.server.acme - package com.netphantom.server.acme
com.netphantom.server.utils - package com.netphantom.server.utils - package
com.netphantom.swt - package com.netphantom.swt
com.netphantom.template - package com.netphantom.template
ComboString - Class in se.entra.phantom.client
This class is used as replacement of String class for combobox items.
ComboString(String) - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.client.ComboString
Store text in constructor.
comment(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.SAXBuilder
comment(String) - Method in interface org.openxml.parser.DocumentHandlerEx
comment - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpCookie
The comment of the cookie.
comment - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomMacro
The comment of the macro.
CommentImpl - Class in org.openxml.dom
Implements a Comment object.
CommentImpl(DocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class org.openxml.dom.CommentImpl
Hidden constructor.
commitChanges(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Commits all current pending changes to the client.
communicationsFailure - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
Initial communications failure with the Server.
communicationsFailure1 - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
Initial communications failure with the Server.
communicationsFailure2 - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
The text for "Press OK to exit".
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.AttrImpl
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.CommentImpl
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ElementDeclImpl
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ElementImpl
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.EntityImpl
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.NotationImpl
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParamEntity
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ProcessingInstructionImpl
compareTabOrder(Component, Component) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PFocusManager
Overridden to remove exception.
compareTo(ApplicationReferences.BaseReference) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ApplicationReferences.BaseReference
Used for sorting file names first, then by ID.
compareTo(PhantomHostField) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostField
The compare method used to sort host fields by name.
compareTo(PhantomHostScreen) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreen
Comparator method to sort screens into screen groups.
compareTo(PhantomHostScreenIdentification) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreenIdentification
Compares two screen identifications by type then rectangle positions and then size.
compareTo(PhantomMacro) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomMacro
Used to sort the Phantom Macros at save.
compareTo(PhantomObject) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Used for sorting of two PhantomObjects by the name with Arrays.sort.
compareTo(PhantomRuntime.FileErrors) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomRuntime.FileErrors
CompileDistribution - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed
Compiles a distribution.
CompileDistribution() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.CompileDistribution
compileDistribution(int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Compiles the distribution.
compileDistribution_setIniFile(IniFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomRuntime
Sets the INI file for the runtime, only when compiling a distribution.
compileNetRexx(Collection<REXXSource>, Collection<REXXSource>, IFeedBack) - Static method in class com.netphantom.eclipse.CompilerHelper
Compile one or more NetRexx sources to Java sources.
compileREXX(File, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class com.netphantom.eclipse.CompilerHelper
Compiles a REXX source to NetRexx for the Eclipse plug-in.
compileREXX(Collection<REXXSource>, boolean, Collection<REXXSource>, IFeedBack) - Static method in class com.netphantom.eclipse.CompilerHelper
Compiles a codepage-converted REXX source to NetRexx.
CompilerHelper - Class in com.netphantom.eclipse
Compiler helper class to compile REXX, NetRexx.
CompilerHelper() - Constructor for class com.netphantom.eclipse.CompilerHelper
completeOpen() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.RemoteSocket
Waits for the open operation to complete and returns a possible exception.
completeTime - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultSessionPoolingHandler
The time in milliseconds when an action completed, i.e.
CompLine(Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
This method compares a text string containing wildcards with a line on the host screen.
CompLine(int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
This method compares a text string containing wildcards with a line on the host screen.
COMPONENT_PRINT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.Plaf
componentAdded(ContainerEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PControl
Invoked when a component has been added to the container.
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.TerminalWindowInstance
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindow
Invoked when the component has been made invisible.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.TerminalWindowInstance
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindow
Invoked when the component's position changes.
ComponentPrinter2D - Class in se.entra.phantom.client
The component printer class will print a "frame" window or a component inside a "frame".
ComponentPrinter2D() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.client.ComponentPrinter2D
componentRemoved(ContainerEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PControl
Invoked when a component has been removed from the container.
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.TerminalWindowInstance
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindow
Invoked when the component's size changes.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.TerminalWindowInstance
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindow
Invoked when the component has been made visible.
CompPos(Rexx, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
This method compares a text string without wildcards with a certain position (line and column) on the host screen.
CompPos(int, int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
This method compares a text string without wildcards with a certain position (line and column) on the host screen.
compress(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.DefaultCrypto
Tries to compress the input data to a smaller chunk.
compress(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.DefaultCrypto
Tries to compress the input data to a smaller chunk.
CompScreen(Rexx) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
This method compares a text string containing wildcards with the entire host screen.
CompScreen(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
This method compares a text string containing wildcards with the entire host screen.
ConcurrentUsers - Class in se.entra.phantom.util
This Class connects to a number of servers to find out the number of clients that has concurrently been connected to each server.
ConcurrentUsers() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.util.ConcurrentUsers
configureApplication() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Call from JNI requesting configure application.
configureJarSigning(VirtualSessionManager, IniFile) - Static method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.JarTools
Called to edit the dialog box for Jar Signing.
configureJavaRuntime() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Call from JNI requesting configure Java.
configureProject(boolean) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Configures the project.
configureSSL() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigSSL
Configures the Server for SSL.
connect() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.memjar.MemoryJarURLConnection
Opens a communications link to the resource referenced by this URL, if such a connection has not already been established.
connect() - Method in class com.netphantom.common.npjar.NpJarURLConnection
Opens a communications link to the resource referenced by this URL, if such a connection has not already been established.
connect() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RemoteApplication
Connects to the server.
connect(String, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RemoteApplication
Connects to a server.
connect(Socket) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RemoteApplication
Processes the initial socket conversation to a server.
connect(String, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.SSLRemoteApplication
Connects to a server over an SSL socket.
connect(String, Properties) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.DriverShim
Attempts to make a database connection to the given URL.
connect() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.extra.SMSSender
Connects to the SMS server.
connect() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSession
Connects the session.
connect() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSession3270
Connects the session to host.
connect() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSession5250
Connects the session to host.
connect() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSessionEE
Connects the session to host.
connect() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.HostSessionPeer
Connects the session to host.
connect() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.sms.Client
Connect the SMS service.
connectedControlID - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCPushButton
Connected control ID.
connectedControlID - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomMenuItem
The ID of the connected control.
connectedControlIndex - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCPushButton
Connected control index in panel.
connectedControlIndex - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualMenuItem
The connected control index.
connectedControls - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomPopupMenu
The hash table containing the connected controls (as key and value).
connectFailed(URI, SocketAddress, IOException) - Method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.ServerProxySelector
Called to indicate that a connection could not be established to a proxy/socks server.
connectFrame - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
The initial "connecting..." window.
CONNECTION_ALLOWED - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RemoteApplication
The value for socket connection allowed.
connectionCount - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.MemoryUsage
ConnectionException - Exception in se.entra.phantom.server.sms
This exception can be thrown to indicate that the SMS connection is failing.
ConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception se.entra.phantom.server.sms.ConnectionException
Creates a new ConectionException with the specified text.
ConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception se.entra.phantom.server.sms.ConnectionException
Creates a new ConnectionException with the specified text and an exception cause.
connectionTime - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientConnectionData
The time that the client connected to the server.
ConnectorLoadInterface - Interface in se.entra.phantom.server
This interface is used by the Connector to register itself as a listener for the server process events such as Start/Stop.
ConnectorService - Class in com.netphantom.jmx
The connector service starts a JMX Connector Server at specified ports.
connectText - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
The connection text in the "connecting..." window.
connectTitle - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
Title message in "Connecting..." dialog box.
CONSOLE_defaultColors - Static variable in interface com.netphantom.eclipse.INetPhantomEclipseConstants
The default color array, from se.entra.phantom.server.phed.ConsoleOutput.
ConsoleOutput - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.phed
This class handles the console output to a window, redirecting stdout and stderr.
constrainPopup(HostPopupWindow.Rect, HostScreen, VirtualSessionManager) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreen
Constrain the the host screen definition according to the rectangle.
contactingBackupServer - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
Third message in "Connecting..." dialog box.
contactingServer - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.LocalizedTextStrings
Second message in "Connecting..." dialog box.
container - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ApplicationReferences.BaseReference
The Container, as for owner: PhantomApplicationData, PhantomPanelData, PhantomCBar, PhantomControl, PhantomMessageBox, PhantomMenu, PhantomPopupMenu, or PhantomMenuItem, when not clear who is owning the "owner", i.e.
contains(int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostPopupWindow.Rect
This methods checks if this rectangle contains the indicated position.
contains(HostPopupWindow.Rect) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostPopupWindow.Rect
This methods checks if this rectangle contains another rectangle.
containsNetPhantomVariable(HttpSession, String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HtmlVariable
Checks if a string contains a valid NetPhantom variable.
containsNetPhantomVariable(ClientSession, String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HtmlVariable
Checks if a string contains a valid NetPhantom variable.
containsNotebookPagePanel(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomPanelData
Checks if this panel contains a notebook that contains the panel page ID.
CONTENT - Static variable in interface org.openxml.parser.ErrorReport
Document content error.
ContentParser - Class in org.openxml.parser
Implements layers 3 of the parser architecture, the handling of XML/HTML document content.
ContentParser() - Constructor for class org.openxml.parser.ContentParser
Protected constructor only accessible from derived class.
CONTINUE_PASTE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindowListener
The "Continue paste" clipboard operation.
continueChecking(char[], char, int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Hyperlink
Checks if it is OK to keep on checking.
continueChecking(char[], char, int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.KeyHotSpot
Checks if it is OK to keep on checking.
continueChecking(char[], char, int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HotSpot
Checks if it is OK to keep on checking.
continueFileTransfer() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminFileTransferInterface
Requests next block of data for the file transfer.
continueFileTransfer() - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_FILETRANSFER
Requests next block of data for the file transfer.
controlBase - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControl
Control base data position,size,type and other basic data.
controlColor - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControl
Foreground and background color that possibly is set from respectively control.
controlCount - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomPanelData
The count of controls in the panel.
controlFlags - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBarControl
Control flags.
controlFlags - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCBarControl
controlID - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ControlIDHostFieldID
The control ID (may be null).
ControlIDHostFieldID - Class in se.entra.phantom.server
This class holds the control ID and host field ID of a control.
ControlIDHostFieldID() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.ControlIDHostFieldID
controlIDs - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomPanelData
Maps control IDs to virtual controls.
ControlPanel - Class in se.entra.phantom.common
Handles routines that deals with deployment properties and configuration in the the Java Control Panel.
ControlPanel() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.common.ControlPanel
controls - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.ApplicationReferences
Control references.
controls - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomPanelData
The controls.
controlType - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBarControl
Control type index, defined in PhantomCBar.
controlType - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCBarControl
convCells(String[]) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.DynamicTableCGI
Convert dynamic data (from panel) to internet characters (& ,..).
convertAnsiToChar(byte) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts a single Ansi byte to character.
convertAnsiToChar(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of Ansi bytes to an array of characters.
convertAnsiToString(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of Ansi bytes to a string.
convertAnsiToString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of Ansi bytes to a string.
convertASCIIToChar(byte) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts a single ASCII byte to character.
convertASCIIToChar(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of ASCII bytes to an array of characters.
convertASCIIToString(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of ASCII bytes to a string.
convertASCIIToString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of ASCII bytes to a string.
convertByteToChar(byte) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Converts a single byte to character.
convertByteToChar(byte[]) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Converts an array of bytes to an array of characters.
convertByteToChar(byte[], int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Converts an array of bytes to an array of characters.
convertByteToString(byte[]) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Converts an array of bytes to a string.
convertByteToString(byte[], int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Converts an array of bytes to a string.
convertByteToString(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.InternetCharacterConversion
Converts a byte array from a socket stream into Unicode.
convertByteToString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.InternetCharacterConversion
Converts a byte array from a socket stream into Unicode.
convertCharToAnsi(char) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts a single character to Ansi byte.
convertCharToAnsi(char[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of characters to an array of Ansi bytes.
convertCharToASCII(char) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts a single character to ASCII byte.
convertCharToASCII(char[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of characters to an array of ASCII bytes.
convertCharToByte(char) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Converts a single character to byte.
convertCharToByte(char[]) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Converts an array of characters to an array of bytes.
convertCharToEBCDIC(char) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts a single character to EBCDIC byte.
convertCharToEBCDIC(char[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of characters to an array of EBCDIC bytes.
convertCharToEBCDIC(char) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.Display3270
Converts a single character to EBCDIC byte.
convertCharToEBCDIC(char) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
Converts a single character to EBCDIC byte.
convertEBCDICToChar(byte) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts a single EBCDIC byte to character.
convertEBCDICToChar(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of EBCDIC bytes to an array of characters.
convertEBCDICToChar(byte) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.DataStream5250
Converts a single EBCDIC byte to character.
convertEBCDICToString(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of EBCDIC bytes to a string.
convertEBCDICToString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts an array of EBCDIC bytes to a string.
convertFromHost(String, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCListCapableControl
Convert host text to combobox text.
convertFromHttp(DataInputStream) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HttpTunnel
Remove the Http header data and return the actual message.
convertFromHttp(DataInputStream, Object[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HttpTunnel
Remove the Http header data and return the actual message.
convertHorzJustification() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCBarControl
Convert old style horizontal justification to new property justification.
convertHtmlFileName(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HtmlApplication
Convert HTML file name for frames.
convertPHA(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Converts the PHA file specified while creating a backup file.
convertPhantomMacroToREXXApplication(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Converts this Object instance from a Phantom Macro to a REXX Application.
convertPHE(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Converts the PHE file specified while creating a backup file.
convertPHO(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Converts the PHO file specified while creating a backup file.
convertPHW(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Converts the PHW file specified while creating a backup file.
convertStringToAnsi(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts a string to an array of Ansi bytes.
convertStringToASCII(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts a string to an array of ASCII bytes.
convertStringToByte(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Converts a string to an array of bytes.
convertStringToByte(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.InternetCharacterConversion
Converts a string to a byte array for a socket stream.
convertStringToEBCDIC(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Converts a string to an array of EBCDIC bytes.
convertToHost(String, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCListCapableControl
Convert combobox text to host text.
convertToHTMLString(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.InternetCharacterConversion
Converts a byte array to a HTML string with "&symbol;".
convertToHTMLString(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.InternetCharacterConversion
Converts a string to a HTML string with "&symbol;".
convertToHttpProxyConnect(String, int, String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HttpTunnel
Add an Http request header to data.
convertToHttpReply(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HttpTunnel
Add an Http reply header to data.
convertToHttpReply(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HttpTunnel
Add an Http reply header to data.
convertToHttpRequest(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HttpTunnel
Add an Http request header to data.
convertToHttpRequest(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HttpTunnel
Add an Http request header to data.
convertToHttpRequest(byte[], String, int, boolean) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.HttpTunnel
Add an Http request header to data, with or without proxy.
convertToXMLString(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.InternetCharacterConversion
Converts a byte array to an XML string.
convertToXMLString(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.InternetCharacterConversion
Converts a String to an XML string as a byte array.
CookieCGI - Class in se.entra.phantom.server.http
A sample CGI to demonstrate the use of cookies.
CookieCGI() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.server.http.CookieCGI
copy() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PJMuLineLabel
Performs a copy to clipboard.
COPY - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindowListener
The "Copy" clipboard operation.
copy() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostPopupWindow.Rect
Copy method.
copy() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostFieldColumnCell
Create a copy of this instance.
copyApplicationData(PhantomApplicationData) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomApplicationData
Copy application data.
copyApplicationPanel(PhantomApplicationData) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomApplicationData
Copy application panel and settings.
copyColorConversion(PhantomApplicationData) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomApplicationData
Copy color conversion tables.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.Distribution
Performs copy of a single file.
copyKeyEvent(Component, KeyEvent) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Plaf
Copies one KeyEvent into another.
copyPanel(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PPanel
Copies the entire panel to the clipboard, optionally as an image.
count - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostData.ScreenGroup
The count of screens in this group.
CR - Static variable in class org.openxml.parser.StreamParser
Carriage return.
crc - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigFileTransferItem
The CRC32 value of the file (or zero for none).
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.PHED_AVAILABLECOLORS
The server user window has a transaction for the client user window.
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_AVAILABLECOLORS
The server user window has a transaction for the client user window.
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_COLORCHOOSER
Create/initiate color chooser from transaction.
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_FILEMANAGER
Create/initiate tree view from transaction.
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_FONTMETRICS
The server user window has a transaction for the client user window.
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_HTML
Create/initiate progress bar from transaction.
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_JMXRMI
Create/initiate progress bar from transaction.
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_LISTHEADERCOLOR
Create/initiate RGB color display from transaction.
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_PROGRESSBAR
Create/initiate progress bar from transaction.
create(Transaction) - Method in class cuserwin2.RCONSOLE_TERMINAL
Create/initiate progress bar from transaction.
create(PPanel, int, Container, Transaction, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.CListBox
Fires the create transaction.
create(FontManager, PPanel, int, Container, Transaction, int, Font, Color, Color, double) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.CListBox
Creation for Editor.
create(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PJUserWindow
The server user window has a transaction for the client user window.
create(PhantomPanelData, int, PhantomFile, PhantomControlBase, PhantomControlBase) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControl
Loads the control specific definition from the Phantom Panel file and creates the control.
create(PhantomRuntime) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.ApplicationCompiler
Creates the instance.
create(PhantomRuntime, VirtualSessionManager, ProgressPanel) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.Distribution
Creates a distribution with GUI.
create() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Call this method after the virtual panel instance has been created.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualServerUserWindowAdapter
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualServerUserWindowInterface
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.PHED_AVAILABLECOLORS
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_AVAILABLECOLORS
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_COLORCHOOSER
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_FILEMANAGER
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_FILETRANSFER
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_FONTMETRICS
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_HTML
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_JMXRMI
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_LISTHEADERCOLOR
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_PROGRESSBAR
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
create(VirtualPanel, VirtualCUserWindow, PhantomCUserWindow) - Method in class serverUserWindow2.RCONSOLE_TERMINAL
This method is called whenever the class has been instantiated.
createAppendedChild(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPElement
Creates a new instance of the RAPPElement that is already added to this instance Element as a child.
createAppendedChild(String, RAPPNameSpaceItem) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPElement
Creates a new instance of the RAPPElement that is already added to this instance Element as a child.
createAppletDesktopPane(Container) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Creates the desktop pane for the applet.
createAppletPanel() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Create the JPanel with the centered applet layout manager.
createApplicationPanel(VirtualRuntime, PhantomPanelData, VirtualSessionManager) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Creates an application panel.
createAttribute(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
Creates an attribute with the default value specified in the DTD.
createAttributeNS(String, String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createAttributeNS(String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createBar(Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCBar
This method creates a create transaction which is sent to the client.
createCaption() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLTableElementImpl
createCDATASection(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createCertificate_HTTPChallenge(Function<String, Void>, String, String, String, String, X509Certificate[]) - Static method in class com.netphantom.server.acme.LetsEncrypt
Performs a HTTP challenge request on the running NetPhantom Server instance.
createCGAColors() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Terminal
The constructor creates the 18 CGA colors.
createClassLoader(String, boolean, ClassLoader) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Creates a class loader from a specification of JAR/ZIP files or directories in a string that is either comma or colon separated.
createClassLoader(String, boolean, ClassLoader, StringBuilder) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Creates a class loader from a specification of JAR/ZIP files or directories in a string that is either comma or colon separated.
createClassLoader() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomRuntime
(Re-)create class loader.
createClient(IniFile) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.FontSubstitution
Create (eventually) list of client specific FontSubstitutions.
createClientListener(IniFile, String) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ClientConnectionInterface
This method creates a listener for incoming client connections.
createClientListener(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PortManager
Create a port listener.
createClientListener(IniFile, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.socket.SocketClientConnectionListener
Creates the server socket that will listens to incoming client connections.
createClientListenerEx(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PortManager
Create a port listener.
createClientSession(int, ClientCommunicationInterface, ClientConnectionData, ClientCommunicationListener) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Create the Client Session instance.
createClientSessionManager(String, boolean, int, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.Start
Creates the ClientSessionManager instance.
createClone() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientConnectionData
Creates a copy of an instance of the client connection data.
createCodepageConverter(int[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Creates an instance and sets the available codepage.
createCodepageConverter(int[], String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Creates an instance and sets the available codepage.
createCodepageConverter(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageConverter
Creates an instance of a codepage short name.
createCodepageConverter(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.CodepageMapper
Creates an instance of a codepage converter class.
createColor(int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.client.ColorMapper
createComment(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile, Object) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.IDesignerControl
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCCheckBox
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCComboBox
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCEntryField
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCGroupBox
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCListBox
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCMLE
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCNoteBook
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile, Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerControlAdapter
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerControlAdapter
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCOutputText
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCPushButton
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCRadioButton
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCRectangle
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCSpinButton
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCStaticText
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCTree
Creates the component with the specified data.
createComponent(PanelDesignerControl, PhantomFile, Object) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.DesignerCUserWindow
Creates the component with the specified data.
createConnectFrame(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Creates the initial window displaying the current activity.
createConnectorService(int, int) - Static method in class com.netphantom.jmx.ConnectorService
Creates a new connector service with the specified ports.
createConstAppAction() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpSession
Create constant AppAction session ID.
createControlEvent(PControl, int, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.client.AEvent
Create control event.
createCopy() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostField
Creates a copy of this host field.
createCopy(PhantomHostScreen) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostField
Creates a copy of this host field.
createCopy() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreen
Create a copy of this object.
createCopy() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreenIdentification
Creates a copy of this identification.
createCopy() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdminConfigSecureLogin
Creates a copy of this profile for editing purpose.
createDataStream() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSession3270
Create the data stream.
createDataStream() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostSession3270Printer
Create the data stream.
createDefault(IniFile) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.FontSubstitution
Create the default FontSubstitution.
createDefaultColorConversionTables() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomApplicationData
Creates the default color conversion tables.
createDefaultTransformer() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Creates a default transformer using UTF-8 encoding and indenting.
createDesktop() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Creates the desktop when panels are placed inside the browser and there is just main panels.
createDialog(Component) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.PJFileChooser
Creates and returns a new JDialog wrapping this centered on the parent in the parent's frame.
createDirectConnection() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Creates a direct connection to the host.
createDistributionCompiler(PhantomRuntime) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.ApplicationCompiler
Creates an Application Compiler for Distribution.
createDocument(String, String, DocumentType) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DOMImpl
Create a new document of the specified type with its document element.
createDocument(String, String, DocumentType) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.SAXBuilder
createDocument(String, String, DocumentType) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.SAXBuilder
createDocument() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Creates an empty name-space aware Document.
createDocument(boolean, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPTransaction
Creates the XML document request and/or reply from all RAPP actions depending on the flags.
createDocumentFragment() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createDocumentReply(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPTransaction
Creates the XML document reply from all RAPP actions.
createDocumentRequest() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPTransaction
Creates the XML document request from all RAPP actions.
createDocumentType(String, String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DOMImpl
Creates an empty document type.
createDocumentType(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DOMImpl
createEclipseProjectFiles(File, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.EclipseProject
Routine to create the Eclipse files in a NetPhantom project.
createEditorDialog(VirtualSessionManager) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.rconsole.AdvancedDiagnostics
Create the dialog for the Editor.
createElement(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createElement(Document, String, String) - Method in interface org.openxml.dom.ElementFactory
Called to create an element with the specified tag name.
createElement(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLDocumentImpl
createElement(Document, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPElement
Creates the element in the specified document with the specified name.
createElement(Document, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPNameSpaceItem
Utility method to create namespace element.
createElement(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPTransaction
Creates an Element to be used by callClass requests and replies.
createElementNS(String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createElementNS(String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLDocumentImpl
createEmpty() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.FileListContent
Gets an empty contents file when e.g.
createEntity(String, String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
Creates a new external general entity declaration and returns it.
createEntity(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
Creates a new unparsed general entity declaration and returns it.
createEntity(String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
Creates a new internal entity declaration and returns it.
createEntityReference(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createEnumerator(Iterator<?>) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.EnumeratorFromIterator
Creates an instance of the Enumeration interface from an Iterator.
createErrorComponent(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.PanelDesignerControl
Creates an error component.
createErrorReply(HttpSession, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates an error reply for a session.
createErrorReply(HttpSession, int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates an error reply for a session.
createErrorReply(HttpSession, int, String[]) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates an error reply for a session.
createErrorReply(HttpSession, int, String, String[]) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates an error reply for a session.
createFile(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpClientJarResource
Creates the File object.
createFontSubstitution(IniFile) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.FontSubstitution
Create method that initiates all static FontSubstitutions.
createFoundRedirection(HttpSession, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates the found redirection error reply.
createFromDocument(Document) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPTransaction
Reinitializes this transaction to create the RAPP instance structure from an XML document from scratch.
createGlobalEventFilter() - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.EventFilter
This method is called when the event manager is created.
createHostSessionManager() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultSessionPoolingHandler
Creates the host session manager and a GUI window (if server runs with GUI).
createHTMLDocument(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLDOMImpl
Create a new HTML document of the specified TITLE text.
createHttpsURLConnection(URL, String, String) - Static method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.ServerProxySelector
Creates a HTTPS connection.
createHttpURLConnection(URL, String, String) - Static method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.ServerProxySelector
Creates a HTTP connection.
createImage(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.netphantom.swt.SWTHelper
Create an image of a color.
createImage(int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.netphantom.swt.SWTHelper
Create an image of a color.
createImage(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.netphantom.swt.SWTHelper
Create an image of a color.
createImage(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.netphantom.swt.SWTHelper
Create an image of a color.
createImage(Color, int, int) - Static method in class com.netphantom.swt.SWTHelper
Create an image of the specified color.
createImage(Color, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.netphantom.swt.SWTHelper
Create an image of the specified color.
createImagePanel(JLabel, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Creates a vertical box with the required image icon in it.
createInputStream() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpClientJarResource
Creates the input stream.
createInstance(Frame, Dialog, String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PJDialog
Create PJDialog instance.
createInstance(AdminConfigResource) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.InternalUserAuthenticationExit
Creates an instance of the class.
createItem() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPEnumeration
Creates an instance of the EnumerationItem class.
createItem() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPGlobVars
Creates an instance of the HostCell class.
createItem() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPHostCells
Creates an instance of the HostCell class.
createItem() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPLines
Creates an instance of the HostCell class.
createJar(LinkedHashMap<String, File>, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.project.AutoClientJar
Creates the Jar file with the specified files.
createJarEntry(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpClientJarResource
Creates the JarEntry object.
createJarFile(JarInputStream, long) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(JarInputStream, boolean, long) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(JarInputStream, boolean, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, long) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(InputStream, boolean, boolean, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, long) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(String, boolean, boolean, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, MemoryJarFileDecrypter) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(File, boolean, boolean, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, MemoryJarFileDecrypter) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(JarInputStream, long) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(JarInputStream, boolean, long) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(JarInputStream, boolean, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, long) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(InputStream, boolean, boolean, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, long) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(String, boolean, boolean, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, MemoryJarFileDecrypter) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createJarFile(File, boolean, boolean, MemoryJarFileDecrypter, MemoryJarFileDecrypter) - Static method in class com.netphantom.common.MemoryJarFile
Creates a memory Jar file.
createMessageDigest() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpWebServer
Gets a new instance of the message digest class.
createMethodNotAllowedError(HttpSession) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates the method not allowed reply.
createModalPanel(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Creates a modal non-host-connected panel, displays it and waits for a return code that is passed into VirtualPanel.dismissPanel.
createModalPanel(String, VirtualPanelListener) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Creates a modal non-host-connected panel, displays it and waits for a return code that is passed into VirtualPanel.dismissPanel.
createNameSpaceItem(Class<?>, String, String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPTransaction
Create namespace item.
createNewEEMFile(String) - Static method in class
Create a new, empty EEM file.
createNewIniFile(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.IniFile
Creates a new editable INI file.
createNewIniFile(boolean, String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.IniFile
Creates a new editable INI file.
createNewSession(int, ClientCommunicationListener, InetAddress) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Call this method to create a new client session that is created from either a HTTP session or a request-reply session.
createNewSession(HttpSession) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HtmlApplication
Returns an error document with the URI to request.
createNewSession(HttpSession, String, GlobalVariable) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HtmlApplication
Returns an error document with the URI to request.
createNodeIterator(Node, int, NodeFilter, boolean) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createNodeIterator(boolean, int, NodeFilter) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.ParentNodeImpl
createNormalPanel(VirtualRuntime, PhantomPanelData, VirtualPanelSession, PhantomHostScreen, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Creates a normal panel.
createNormalPanel(VirtualRuntime, PhantomPanelData, VirtualPanelSession, PhantomHostScreen, int, VirtualPanelListener) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Creates a normal panel.
createNormalPanel(VirtualRuntime, PhantomPanelData, VirtualPanelSession, PhantomHostScreen, int, VirtualPanelListener, Transaction) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Creates a normal panel.
createNormalReply(HttpSession, int) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
createNormalReply(HttpSession, long) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates an normal reply for a session.
createNormalReply(HttpSession, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates an normal reply for a session.
createNormalReply(HttpSession, byte[]) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates an normal reply for a session.
createNotation(String, String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
Creates a new notation and returns it.
createNoteBookPagePanel(VirtualRuntime, PhantomPanelData, VirtualCNoteBookPage, PhantomHostScreen) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel
Creates a notebook page panel.
createNPObject() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControl
Gets the NPObject for the control.
createNPObject(PhantomApplicationData) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomMenuItem
Creates a NPObject for standard menu item.
createNPObject(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Gets the NPObject for a standard Object, i.e.
createObject(PhantomObject) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.Start
Creates a new Object definition in the Panel Editor (JNI).
createOnClient() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCNoteBookPage
Get the create on client flag.
createOnlyPostMethodAllowedError(HttpSession) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpReply
Creates the method not allowed reply.
createPanel(HostScreen, PhantomPanelData, VirtualSessionManager) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.GuiOnTheFlyRuntime
Creates a new panel from the current host screen.
createPanel(VirtualSessionManager, String, VirtualComponentListener) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.TerminalApplication
Creates a dialog box for the application with a listener.
createPanel(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanelSession
Creates the specified panel.
createPanel(String, PhantomHostScreen) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanelSession
Creates the specified panel.
createPanel(String, PhantomHostScreen, VirtualPanelListener) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanelSession
Creates the specified panel.
createPanel(String, PhantomHostScreen, VirtualPanelListener, Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanelSession
Creates the specified panel.
createPanel(String, PhantomHostScreen, VirtualPanelListener, Transaction, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanelSession
Creates the specified panel.
createPanel(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Creates a non-host-connected panel and displays it.
createPanel(String, VirtualPanelListener) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Creates a non-host-connected panel and displays it.
createPanel(String, VirtualPanelListener, Transaction) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Creates a "dangling" panel within the current panel session.
createPooledSessionData(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Creates a new ClientConnectionData instance for use in a session pool.
createPrintImage(Component, Dimension) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.client.ComponentPrinter2D
Returns the image of a component using print methods in the AWT thread.
createProcessingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createProgressMonitorPart(Composite, GridLayout) - Method in class com.netphantom.swt.WizardDialog
Hook method for subclasses to create a custom progress monitor part.
createResource(HttpWebServer) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpResourceParameters
Create Http or HTML resource.
createREXXApplicationForPhantomMacro(String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomObject
Creates a new Phantom Object instance used to convert a Phantom Macro to REXX Application.
createRuntime(File) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomRuntime
Creates a new PhantomRuntime for Compile Distribution.
createRuntime(File, PhantomRuntime) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomRuntime
Creates a new PhantomRuntime for Compile Distribution.
createSBFlag - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCSpinButton
Creation flags for client.
createScreenGroups() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostData
Creates screen groups.
createServerSocket(String, int, int, int, InetAddress) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultServerSocket
Creates the ServerSocket listener.
createServerSocket(String, int, int, int, InetAddress) - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ServerSocketInterface2
Creates the ServerSocket listener.
createServerSocket(String, int, int, int, InetAddress) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ssl.NetPhantomJSSEServerSocket
Creates the ServerSocket listener.
createSession(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Creates a new panel session.
createSessionCookie(HttpSession) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpSession
Creates and sets a cookie identification string to be used for this session and for further checks when new GET or POST data is sent from a client.
createSessionManager(Container, boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Creates the Session Manager.
createSessionPoolingData(SessionPoolingData) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultSessionPoolingHandler
Creates and initializes a pool.
createSessionPoolingData(String, int, int, int, int, String, JDesktopPane, boolean) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.SessionPoolingManager
Creates and initializes a pool.
createSingleSessionCookie(boolean) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpSession
Creates (or removes) a single-session special cookie.
createSocket() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.DefaultSocket
Creates a stream socket and connects it to the specified port number on the named host.
createSocket() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.HttpProxySocket
Creates a stream socket and connects it to the specified port number on the named host.
createSocket(String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Creates a socket to the host(s).
createSocket() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.client.SocketInterface
Creates a stream socket and connects it to the specified port number on the named host.
createString(byte[]) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Helper function for non-initialized byte-to-string conversion using ISO 8859-1 character set.
createString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities
Helper function for non-initialized byte-to-string conversion using ISO 8859-1 character set.
createSystemThread(Runnable, String) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ServerThread
Creates a system thread without "ClientConnectionData".
CreateTempFile() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.NetRexxMigration
Creates a temporary file in the directory of the current runtime file and adds it for removal when the client session is disposed of.
CreateTempFile() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Creates a temporary file in the directory of the current runtime file and adds it for removal when the client session is disposed of.
createTempFile() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualSessionManager
Gets a temporary file in the directory of the current runtime file and adds it for removal when the client session is disposed of.
createTerminalWindow(Container, Container, Color[], String, String, String, String, String, int, int, int, int, char[], int[], TerminalWindowListener) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Phantom
Create the terminal window.
createTerminalWindow(Container, Container, Color[], String, String, String, String, String, int, int, int, int, char[], int[], TerminalWindowListener) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.phed.PhantomEditor
Create the terminal window.
createTextNode(String) - Method in class org.openxml.dom.DocumentImpl
createTFoot() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLTableElementImpl
createTHead() - Method in class org.openxml.dom.html.HTMLTableElementImpl
createTransaction() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.common.Transaction
Create and return a new transaction with the same write cache as the previous transaction.
createTransaction() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSession
Create Transaction depending on the current codepage for this session.
createTransaction() - Method in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionInterface
Called to create a transaction that will later on be sent to the client.
createTransferable(String, Image) - Static method in class se.entra.phantom.client.Plaf
Creates a transferable used by clipboard and drag-drop.
createTunnel(int, String) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.SessionManager
Creates a socket tunnel from the client to the server on the specified port.
createURLConnection(URL) - Static method in class com.netphantom.server.utils.ServerProxySelector
Creates an URL connection.
createURLStreamHandler(String) - Method in class com.netphantom.common.memjar.MemoryJarURLStreamHandlerFactory
Creates the URL stream handler for the protocol "memjar".
createURLStreamHandler(String) - Method in class com.netphantom.common.npjar.NpJarURLStreamHandlerFactory
Creates the URL stream handler for the protocol "npjar".
createVirtualSessionManager(ClientSessionInterface) - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSession
Creates the VirtualSessionManager.
createZeroedTransactionStatistics() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.ClientSessionManager
Gets the statistics for transactions.
CRLF - Static variable in class com.netphantom.common.websocket.WebSocket
CR/LF string.
CRT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPCallObject
Create object message.
CRT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.ObjectCalling
Create object message.
CS_FRAME_GUID - Static variable in class com.netphantom.common.websocket.WebSocket
The GUID mask for frames sent from client to server.
CTLSTYLE_DISABLE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Value to disable a control.
CTLSTYLE_ENABLE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Value to enable a control.
CTLSTYLE_HIDE - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Value to hide a control.
CTLSTYLE_READONLY - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Value to set entryfield as READONLY when disabled.
CTLSTYLE_SHOW - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.REXXMigration
Value to show a control.
CTree - Class in se.entra.phantom.client
CTree, the PJTree controller.
CTree() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.client.CTree
CTree.Renderer - Class in se.entra.phantom.client
The tree node renderer also handles tool-tip text and icons.
CTree.TNode - Class in se.entra.phantom.client
The tree node.
CTRLFLAG_MOVEX - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlFlags
Move control horizontally.
CTRLFLAG_MOVEY - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlFlags
Move control vertically.
CTRLFLAG_NEWGROUP - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlFlags
Control belongs to a new control group.
CTRLFLAG_SIZEX - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlFlags
Change control width.
CTRLFLAG_SIZEY - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlFlags
Change control height.
CTRLFLAG_SUBWIN - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlFlags
Control is inside a subwindow.
CTRLFLAG_TABSTOP - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlFlags
Control has tab stop skipped.
CTRLFLAG_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlFlags
Control is transparent.
CTRLTYPE_BUTTON - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Push button control type.
CTRLTYPE_CHECK - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Check box control type.
CTRLTYPE_COMBO - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Combination box control type.
CTRLTYPE_FRAME - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Frame control type.
CTRLTYPE_GRAPH - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Business graphics control type.
CTRLTYPE_GROUP - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Group box control type.
CTRLTYPE_INOUT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Entry field control type.
CTRLTYPE_LIST - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
List box control type.
CTRLTYPE_MLE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Multiple line entry field control type.
CTRLTYPE_NOTE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Notebook control type.
CTRLTYPE_OUT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Output text control type.
CTRLTYPE_RADIO - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Radio button control type.
CTRLTYPE_RECT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Rectangle control type.
CTRLTYPE_SPIN - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Spin button control type.
CTRLTYPE_SUB - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Subwindow control type.
CTRLTYPE_TEXT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Static text control type.
CTRLTYPE_TREE - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Tree control type.
CTRLTYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
Unknown control type.
CTRLTYPE_USER - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
User window control type.
CTRLTYPES_COUNT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlType
The control count, not including "unknown".
CURRENT_VERSION - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPTransaction
The current version of the document transaction.
currentElement - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.SessionPoolingScriptData
The current Element tag being executed.
currentScreen - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultSessionPoolingHandler
The screen that currently matches (null when none single-matches).
currentState - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.DefaultSessionPoolingHandler
The state variable, by default STATE_STARTING.
currentWindowBounds - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.TerminalSettings
The current window bounds.
cursorBacktab() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.Display3270
Back-tabs the cursor.
cursorEnd() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.Display3270
Moves the cursor to the end of the field.
cursorEnd() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
Moves the cursor to the end of the field.
cursorHeight - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindow.SetUp
cursorHeight - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.TerminalSettings
The cursor size in % of font height (1-100).
cursorHeightInsert - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindow.SetUp
cursorHeightInsertMode - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.TerminalSettings
The cursor size in % of font height (1-100) when in insert mode.
cursorHome() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.Display3270
Moves the cursor to the first unprotected field.
cursorHome() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
Moves the cursor to the first unprotected field.
cursorNewLine() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.Display3270
Moves cursor to a new line.
cursorNewLine() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn5250e.Display5250
Moves cursor to a new line.
cursorTab() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.server.tn3270e.Display3270
Moves the cursor to the next field.
cuserwin2 - package cuserwin2
CUserWindow - Class in se.entra.phantom.client
This class handles the user window communication between the server and the client.
CUserWindow() - Constructor for class se.entra.phantom.client.CUserWindow
CUSTOMDARK - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.ColorMapper
CUSTOMLIGHT - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.ColorMapper
cut() - Method in class se.entra.phantom.client.PJEntryField
Tries to cut contents.
CUT - Static variable in interface se.entra.phantom.common.TerminalWindowListener
The "Cut" clipboard operation.
cutCopyParsing - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.TerminalSettings
The type of Cut/Copy parsing.
cx - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.Bounds
Size in X.
cx - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostPopupWindow.Rect
The width of the rectangle.
cx - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomCListBox.PhantomCListBoxColumn
The width of the field.
cx - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlBase
cx - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreenIdentification
Width of the identifier.
cy - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.Bounds
Size in Y.
cy - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.HostPopupWindow.Rect
The height of the rectangle.
cy - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomControlBase
cy - Variable in class se.entra.phantom.server.PhantomHostScreenIdentification
Height of the identifier.
CYAN - Static variable in class se.entra.phantom.client.ColorMapper
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