Listing of Source rappapi/client/
package client;

import se.entra.phantom.rapp.RemoteApplication;
import se.entra.phantom.rapp.SSLRemoteApplication;

 * This class is used to test the SSL RAPP API with all the available
 * function actions. It also serves as a sample.
 * <p>Run the sample in the "server/samples/rappapi" directory sample as:
 * <pre>
 *   java -classpath bin client.SSLTestAPI hostName:portNumber
 * </pre>
 * This application requires that the application SAMPLES_RAPPAPI
 * is configured as a Web Resource. This web resource should point
 * out the Remote Application RAPPAPI with the host session ID
 * "R" (the modified Tutorial EE application) and an application
 * time-out value of minimum 1 minute.
public class SSLTestAPI extends TestAPI
   * The instance of this class that allows SSLTestAPI to
   * override creation of a RemoteApplication.
  protected SSLTestAPI()
    // Nothing.
   * Creates the [SSL]RemoteApplication instance.
  protected RemoteApplication createRemoteApplication(String app)
    return new SSLRemoteApplication(app);
   * Creates the [SSL]RemoteApplication instance.
  protected RemoteApplication createRemoteApplication(String app,String sessID)
    return new SSLRemoteApplication(app,sessID);

   * Starts the application, check for available parameter
   * "hostName:portNumber".
  public static void main(String [] arg)
    // Set the instance of the test API.
    TestAPI.main(new SSLTestAPI(),arg);