Listing of Source ../source/GOF/
package se.entra.phantom.server;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;

 * This class identifies push button controls for the Gui-on-the-fly, from unused GofHostFields.
 * @author J. Bergström
public class GofPushButtonIdentifier extends GofControlIdentifierAdapter implements PhantomControlType
  // ------------------
  // ------------------

   * A vector holding the identification strings.
  private Vector<String> identStrings = new Vector<String>( );

   * Flag indicating if combined pushbutton definitions should be looked for.
  //private boolean doFindCombined = false;

   * The equal sign to be used together with the identification strings.
  private String equalSign;

   * The character used as separator for the push button combinations.
  private String combSign;

   * Indicates the way the pushbutton layout will be created.
   * Valid values are:
   * <pre>
   *    DEFAULT
   *    SIZE
   *    FONT
   *    CLONE
   * </pre>
  private String layout;

   * The value for the setting in the configuration file for the <code>nontemplatebutton</code>.
  private String nonTemplateButton;

   * The menu to use for non-template buttons. The default menu is <i>Functions</i>.
  private String menuName = "~Functions";

   * Menu items created for a panel. Will be emptied for each new panel.
  private Vector<PhantomMenuItem> menuItems;

  // ----------------
  // ----------------

   * Loads setting for the control from the server ini-file.
   * @param confFile The server ini file.
   * @param subsection The name of the GOF subsection that we are currently loading settings from.
  public void getControlSettings( IniFile confFile, String subsection )
    String pushButtonIdent = confFile.getData( subsection, "pushbuttonident" );
    parsePushButtonIdent( pushButtonIdent );
    //String pushButtonCombination = confFile.getData( subsection, "pushbuttoncombination" );
    //if( pushButtonCombination.equals( "1" ) == true )
    //  doFindCombined = true;

    equalSign = confFile.getData( subsection, "pushbuttonequalsign" );

    combSign = confFile.getData( subsection, "pushbuttoncombsign" );

    layout = confFile.getData( subsection, "pushbuttonlayout" );
    if( layout == null )
      layout = "DEFAULT";

    nonTemplateButton = confFile.getData( subsection, "nontemplatebutton" );

    String value = confFile.getData( subsection, "nontemplatemenu" );
    if( value != null && value.equals( "" ) == false )
      menuName = value;

   * Identifies all the pushbutton controls from the <code>GofHostFields</code>. This is a
   * little complicated since one GofHostField may correspond to one or several pushbuttons.
   * @param gofRuntime        The GuiOnTheFlyRuntime instance.
   * @param areaIdentifier    The areaIdentifier in which the entry fields should be identified..
   * @param phantomHostScreen The Phantom host screen corresponding to the host screen.
   * @param hostScreen        The host screen that we are trying to build a GOF panel for.
   * @param newPanel          The newly created Gui-on-the-fly runtime panel.
  public void identifyCtrls( GuiOnTheFlyRuntime gofRuntime,
                             GofHostAreaIdentifier areaIdentifier, 
                             PhantomHostScreen phantomHostScreen, 
                             HostScreen hostScreen,
                             PhantomPanelData templPanel, 
                             PhantomPanelData newPanel,
                             int offsetX,
                             int offsetY )
    this.templPanel = templPanel;

    Vector<GofHostField> gofHostFields = areaIdentifier.getAreasGofHostFields( );

    Vector<GofPushButtonElement> pbElements = new Vector<GofPushButtonElement>( );
    menuItems = new Vector<PhantomMenuItem>( );

    for( int i = 0, s = gofHostFields.size( ); i < s; i++ )
      GofHostField gofHostField = gofHostFields.elementAt( i );
      if( gofHostField.hasBeenProcessed == false && gofHostField.isProtected( ) == true )
        if( gofHostField.isEmpty( ) == false )
          String text = gofHostField.getText( ).trim( );
          if( text.equals( "" ) == false )
            pbElements = findPushButtonElements( text );
            if( pbElements.size( ) > 0 )
              gofHostField.hasBeenProcessed = true;
              createPushButtons( areaIdentifier,
                                 offsetY );
      pbElements.removeAllElements( );

    int s = menuItems.size( );
    if( s > 0 )
      PhantomMenuItem[] items = new PhantomMenuItem[s];
      for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ )
        items[i] = menuItems.elementAt( i );
      PhantomMenu menu = new PhantomMenu( newPanel, 1000, items, menuName );
      newPanel.addMenu( menu );

   * Parses the configuration setting for the pushbutton identifications, and splits
   * it up into the identification strings, which are stored in a Vector.
   * @param pushButtonIdent The setting from the configuration file.
  private void parsePushButtonIdent( String pushButtonIdent )
    if( pushButtonIdent == null )

    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( pushButtonIdent, ", " );
    while( st.hasMoreTokens( ) )
      String s = st.nextToken( ).trim( );
      if( s.equals( "" ) == false )
        identStrings.addElement( s );

   * Finds all the push button elements in the text.
   * @param text The text to search in.
  private Vector<GofPushButtonElement> findPushButtonElements( String text )
    Vector<GofPushButtonElement> pbElements = new Vector<GofPushButtonElement>( );
    for( int i = 0, s = text.length( ); i < s; i++ )
      for( int j = 0, sj = identStrings.size( ); j < sj; j++ )
        String ident = identStrings.elementAt( j );
        int idLen = ident.length( );
        if( i + idLen > text.length( ) )
        String textPart = text.substring( i, i + idLen );
        textPart = changeToWC( textPart );
        if( ident.equals( textPart ) == true )
          GofPushButtonElement gpbe = null;
          if( i > 0 )
            int identEnd = i + textPart.length( );
            String nxtChar = "";
            if( identEnd < text.length( ) )
              nxtChar = text.substring( identEnd, identEnd + 1 );
            if( text.substring( i - 1, i ).equals( combSign ) == true )
              gpbe = new GofPushButtonElement( i, ident + equalSign );
              gpbe.combType = 2;
            else if( nxtChar.equals( combSign ) )
              gpbe = new GofPushButtonElement( i, ident + equalSign );
              gpbe.combType = 1;
            else if( nxtChar.equals( equalSign ) )
              gpbe = new GofPushButtonElement( i, ident + equalSign );
            int identEnd = i + textPart.length( );
            String nxtChar = "";
            if( identEnd < text.length( ) )
              nxtChar = text.substring( identEnd, identEnd + 1 );
            if( nxtChar.equals( combSign ) )
              gpbe = new GofPushButtonElement( i, ident + equalSign );
              gpbe.combType = 1;
            else if( nxtChar.equals( equalSign ) )
              gpbe = new GofPushButtonElement( i, ident + equalSign );
          if( gpbe != null )
            pbElements.addElement( gpbe );
          i = i + idLen - 1;
    return pbElements;
  private String changeToWC( String text )
    char[] textc = text.toCharArray( );
    for( int i = 0, s = textc.length; i < s; i++ )
      if( textc[i] >= '0' && textc[i] <= '9' )
        textc[i] = '#';
    return new String( textc );
   * Will search for a single pushbutton identification string in a text. During
   * the search it will check if there is a numeric character where the identification
   * string has a numeric wildcard.
   * <p>
   * The numeric wildcard character in the identification string must be the hashmark '#'.
   * @param text     The text to search.
   * @param ident    The identification string to search for.
   * @param startpos The startpos to search from.
   * @return If a match was found, the startpos for the text matching the identification 
   *         string, or -1 if no match.
  private int findSubstrWithWildcards( String text, String ident, int startpos )
    boolean isEqual = true;
    int retVal = -1;

    String sc = ident.substring( 0, 1 );
    if( sc.equals( "#" ) == false )
      int pos = text.indexOf( sc, startpos );
      while( pos > -1 )
        for( int i = 0, s = ident.length( ); i < s; i++ )
          if( pos + i >= text.length( ) )
            // End of text reached.
            isEqual = false;
          char c1 = ident.charAt( i );
          char c2 = text.charAt( pos + i );
          if( c1 == '#' )
            // Check for numeric character.
            if( c2 < 0x30 || c2 > 0x39 )
              isEqual = false;
          else if( c1 != c2 )
            isEqual = false;

        if( isEqual == true )
          // Substring found, stop searching for more.
          retVal = pos;
        pos = text.indexOf( sc, pos + 1 );
        isEqual = true;
      // NOTYET! ident string starting with wildcard.
    return retVal;

   * Creates push buttons or menu items from push button elements.
   * This class takes every unused protected host field, and check if it has, what is 
   * called a pushbutton identification string. The pushbutton identification strings 
   * are text strings that identify a function key definition. The pushbutton 
   * identification strings are defined in the configuration file. When a host field is 
   * found to have one or more pushbutton identification string in it's text, a 
   * pushbutton element is created for each of them.
   * <p>
   * The pushbuttons elements text will also be analyzed for the right send key.
   * <p>
   * For each of the pushbutton elements, a push button or a menu item will be created. 
   * There are settings in the configuration file that determines which type of control 
   * that will be created.
   * @param areaIdentifier    The area identifier who's pushbutton elements are analyzed.
   * @param pbElements        A vector containing all the pbElements found in the currently processed hostfield.
   * @param text              The hostfield text.
   * @param gofHostField      The Gui-on-the-fly host field that is processed.
   * @param phantomHostScreen The Phantom host screen corresponding to the host screen.
   * @param hostScreen        The host screen that we are trying to build a GOF panel for.
   * @param newPanel          The newly created Gui-on-the-fly runtime panel.
  private void createPushButtons( GofHostAreaIdentifier areaIdentifier, 
                                  Vector<GofPushButtonElement> pbElements, 
                                  String text, 
                                  GofHostField gofHostField, 
                                  PhantomHostScreen phantomHostScreen,
                                  HostScreen hostScreen, 
                                  PhantomPanelData newPanel,
                                  int offsetX,
                                  int offsetY )
    int prevCombEnd = -1;
    for( int i = 0, s = pbElements.size( ); i < s; i++ )
      GofPushButtonElement curPBElement = pbElements.elementAt( i );
      GofPushButtonElement nxtPBElement;
      if( i < pbElements.size( ) - 1 )
        nxtPBElement = pbElements.elementAt( i + 1 );
        nxtPBElement = null;
      GofPushButtonElement nxtPBElement2;
      if( i < pbElements.size( ) - 2 )
        nxtPBElement2 = pbElements.elementAt( i + 2 );
        nxtPBElement2 = null;
      int x, cx, combPos, equalPos;
      int y = gofHostField.getY( );
      String key, keyText;
      int txtStart = curPBElement.startpos;
      int txtEnd = txtStart;
      switch( curPBElement.combType )
        case 1:
          x = gofHostField.getX( ) + txtStart;
          if( nxtPBElement2 != null )
            txtEnd = nxtPBElement2.startpos;
            txtEnd = text.length( );
          txtEnd = getPrematureEnd( text, txtStart, txtEnd );
          combPos = text.indexOf( combSign, txtStart );
          if( combPos > txtStart )
            key = text.substring( txtStart, combPos );
            key = "";
          equalPos = text.indexOf( equalSign, combPos );
          combPos = text.lastIndexOf( combSign, txtEnd );
          if( combPos > -1 && combPos < txtEnd )
            keyText = text.substring( equalPos + 1, combPos );
            keyText = "";
          curPBElement.setSendKeyAndText( key + equalSign + keyText );
          cx = keyText.length( ) + 4;
          prevCombEnd = x + cx;
        case 2:
          if( nxtPBElement2 != null )
            txtEnd = nxtPBElement2.startpos;
            txtEnd = text.length( );
          txtEnd = getPrematureEnd( text, txtStart, txtEnd );
          equalPos = text.indexOf( equalSign, txtStart );
          if( equalPos > txtStart )
            key = text.substring( txtStart, equalPos );
            key = "";
          combPos = text.lastIndexOf( combSign, txtEnd );
          if( combPos > -1 && combPos < txtEnd )
            keyText = text.substring( combPos + 1, txtEnd );
            keyText = "";
          curPBElement.setSendKeyAndText( key + equalSign + keyText );
          cx = keyText.length( ) + 4;
          if( prevCombEnd > -1 )
            x = prevCombEnd + 1;
            prevCombEnd = -1;
            x = txtEnd - cx;
          x = gofHostField.getX( ) + txtStart;
          if( nxtPBElement != null )
            txtEnd = nxtPBElement.startpos;
            txtEnd = text.length( );
          txtEnd = getPrematureEnd( text, txtStart, txtEnd );
          curPBElement.setSendKeyAndText( text.substring( txtStart, txtEnd ).trim( ) );
          cx = txtEnd - txtStart;

      // Create the PhantomHostField.

      PhantomHostField phf = new PhantomHostField( phantomHostScreen, hostScreen, x, y, cx );

      // Create the base control and pushbutton or menuitem.

      createPushButtonOrMenuItem( areaIdentifier, newPanel, curPBElement, phf, x, y, cx, offsetX, offsetY );

   * Sometimes the end of the last pushbutton elements text will contain text that is not 
   * connected to the push button. This methods implements a simple algorithm to check for
   * a premature end, by checking for at least two consecutive spaces in the text.
   * @param text  The text to search for a premature end.
   * @param start The position to start the search from.
   * @param end   The position to stop the search from.
   * @return The position of the premature end, or the stop position for the search if 
   *         no premature end was found.
  private int getPrematureEnd( String text, int start, int end )
    int p = text.indexOf( "  ", start );
    if( p > -1 && p < end )
      return p;
      return end;

   * Creates a push button or menu item from a single GofPushButtonElement.
   * <p>
   * There are several settings that will be taken from the configuration file, 
   * that are needed during the identification of the pushbutton controls.
   * <p>
   * There is one setting that should contain the pushbutton identification strings. 
   * This setting is a comma-separated list, with all the identification strings. This 
   * means, that the identification strings can't contain commas. The identification 
   * strings will be combined with the value of the pushbuttonequalsign setting, to 
   * create the real identification string to search for. The reason for that the equal 
   * sign is specified separately, is that if push button combinations are allowed, this 
   * class has to have the identification string without the equal sign.
   * <p>
   * It is possible to use a wildcard for numeric characters in the identification strings. 
   * The character used as a wildcard is the hash mark ('#').
   * <p>
   * The pushbuttonequalsign setting will usually be a equal sign ('=') or a colon (':').
   * <p>
   * Below is an example of pushbutton identification strings with wildcards, and a equal 
   * sign as the pushbuttonequalsign.
   * <pre>
   *    pushbuttonident=PF#,PF##,F#,F##
   *    pushbuttonequalsign==
   * </pre>
   * Remember that the host field's text will be searched for matches in the same order as 
   * the identification strings are placed in the setting.
   * <p>
   * There is also a setting that specifies if push button combinations should be searched for. 
   * A pushbutton combination is when to push button definitions have been nestled together, 
   * separated by separator character. An example of a pushbutton combination could be: 
   * <pre>
   *    PF7/PF8=Previous/Next
   * </pre>
   * If the setting pushbuttoncombination is set to 1 (one), then this type of combination is searched 
   * for. This also requires that the pushbuttoncombsign be set to the separator character. In 
   * the above example, the separator character is the slash ('/'). Below these two setting are 
   * set to handle the above example:
   * <pre>
   *    pushbuttoncombination=1
   *    pushbuttoncombsign=/
   * </pre>
   * <p>
   * This class also has a setting that affects the look of the entry fields. This is the 
   * pushbuttonlayout setting. Valid values for this setting are:
   * <pre>
   *    entryfieldlayout=DEFAULT
   *    entryfieldlayout=SIZE
   *    entryfieldlayout=FONT
   *    entryfieldlayout=SIZEANDFONT
   *    entryfieldlayout=CLONE
   * </pre>
   * <p>
   * DEFAULT means that no settings are taken from the template panel. Size will be taken 
   * from the size used by the definition on the host screen. The panels default font will 
   * be used.
   * <p>
   * SIZE means that the size will be taken from the template panel, from a pushbutton with 
   * the id=PB_X. The panels default font will be used. If this control cannot be found, 
   * default values will be used.
   * <p>
   * FONT means that the font is taken from template panel, from a pushbutton with the id=PB_X. 
   * If this control cannot be found, default values will be used.
   * <p>
   * SIZEANDFONT means that the font and size are taken from template panel, from a pushbutton 
   * with the id=PB_X. If this control cannot be found, default values will be used.
   * <p>
   * CLONE means that the button on the template panel is cloned. Cloned means that the size, 
   * font, and an icon, if it exists, are taken from a pushbutton with the id=PB_Fnn (nn is 
   * one or two numeric characters, an exact match must be found). If this control cannot be 
   * found, default values will be used.
   * <p>
   * Any other value will be treated as DEFAULT.
   * <p>
   * There is a possibility to let pushbuttons not found in the template file be created as 
   * menu items instead. This is only possible when the layout is cloned from the template file, 
   * because pushbuttons not found there would get a different look from the cloned ones. For 
   * this there are two settings. The <code>nontemplatebutton</code> setting turns this option 
   * on and the <code>nontemplatemenu</code> setting specifies the menu name to use for the menu 
   * items. The value for the menu name can have a shortcut specified by placing a tilde ('~') in 
   * front of the character to be used as a shortcut. Below is an example of this setting.
   * <pre>
   *    nontemplatebutton=MENU
   *    nontemplatemenu=~Functions
   * </pre>
   * @param areaIdentifier The area identifier who's pushbutton elements are analyzed.
   * @param newPanel       The newly created Gui-on-the-fly runtime panel.
   * @param pbElement      The pushbutton element that should be turned into a pushbutton or menuitem.
   * @param phf            The PhantomHostField that the current pushbutton element is part of.
   * @param x              The x-position.
   * @param y              The y-position.
   * @param cx             The length of the push button element in characters.
  private void createPushButtonOrMenuItem( GofHostAreaIdentifier areaIdentifier, 
                                           PhantomPanelData newPanel, 
                                           GofPushButtonElement pbElement, 
                                           PhantomHostField phf, 
                                           int x, 
                                           int y, 
                                           int cx,
                                           int offsetX,
                                           int offsetY )
    PhantomControlBase bc;
    PhantomCPushButton pb = null;
    int pbCx = cx * GOF_GUIUNITX - 2;
    int pbCy = GOF_GUIUNITY + 2;
    int font = -1;
    PhantomControl templateControl;

    if( layout.equals( "SIZE" ) )
      templateControl = templPanel.getControlFromID( "PB_X" );
      if( templateControl != null && templateControl.controlBase.type == CTRLTYPE_BUTTON )
        pbCx =;
        pbCy =;
      bc = new PhantomControlBase( GOF_MARGINX + ( x - offsetX ) * GOF_STEPX,
                                   GOF_MARGINY + ( y - offsetY ) * GOF_STEPY - 1,
                                   CTRLTYPE_BUTTON );
      pb = new PhantomCPushButton( newPanel, bc, phf, pbElement.pbText );
      pb.sendKey = pbElement.sendKey;
    else if( layout.equals( "FONT" ) )
      templateControl = templPanel.getControlFromID( "PB_X" );
      if( templateControl != null && templateControl.controlBase.type == CTRLTYPE_BUTTON )
        font = ( ( PhantomCPushButton )templateControl ).font;
      bc = new PhantomControlBase( GOF_MARGINX + ( x - offsetX ) * GOF_STEPX,
                                   GOF_MARGINY + ( y - offsetY ) * GOF_STEPY - 1,
                                   CTRLTYPE_BUTTON );
      pb = new PhantomCPushButton( newPanel, bc, phf, pbElement.pbText );
      pb.font = font;
      pb.sendKey = pbElement.sendKey;
    else if( layout.equals( "SIZEANDFONT" ) )
      templateControl = templPanel.getControlFromID( "PB_X" );
      if( templateControl != null && templateControl.controlBase.type == CTRLTYPE_BUTTON )
        pbCx =;
        pbCy =;
        font = ( ( PhantomCPushButton )templateControl ).font;
      bc = new PhantomControlBase( GOF_MARGINX + ( x - offsetX ) * GOF_STEPX,
                                   GOF_MARGINY + ( y - offsetY ) * GOF_STEPY - 1,
                                   CTRLTYPE_BUTTON );
      pb = new PhantomCPushButton( newPanel, bc, phf, pbElement.pbText );
      pb.font = font;
      pb.sendKey = pbElement.sendKey;
    else if( layout.equals( "CLONE" ) )
      templateControl = templPanel.getControlFromID( pbElement.layoutId );
      if( templateControl != null && templateControl.controlBase.type == CTRLTYPE_BUTTON )
        pb = ( PhantomCPushButton )( ( PhantomCPushButton )templateControl ).clone( );
        pb.controlBase.x = GOF_MARGINX + ( x - offsetX ) * GOF_STEPX;
        pb.controlBase.y = GOF_MARGINY + ( y - offsetY ) * GOF_STEPY - 1;
      else if( templateControl == null && nonTemplateButton.equals( "MENU" ) )
        PhantomMenuItem menuItem = new PhantomMenuItem( newPanel, 1000 + menuItems.size( ) + 1, pbElement.pbText, pbElement.sendKey );
        menuItems.addElement( menuItem );
      bc = new PhantomControlBase( GOF_MARGINX + ( x - offsetX ) * GOF_STEPX,
                                   GOF_MARGINY + ( y - offsetY ) * GOF_STEPY - 1,
                                   CTRLTYPE_BUTTON );
      pb = new PhantomCPushButton( newPanel, bc, phf, pbElement.pbText );
      pb.sendKey = pbElement.sendKey;

    // Add the push button.

    if( pb != null )
      newPanel.addControl( pb );
      areaIdentifier.addControl( pb );

  // ==================================================================
  // GofPushButtonElement subclass
  // ==================================================================

   * The GofPushButtonIdentifier will make use of a private inner class named 
   * GofPushButtonElement. This is used to store information about the push button 
   * element found during the matching with identification strings. This information 
   * is the used during the creation of the pushbutton control or the menu item.
   * <p>
   * The GofPushButtonElement also has a method to get the send key string that will 
   * be attached to the control.
  private class GofPushButtonElement
     * The startposition of this element's text in the host field text.
    private int startpos;

     * The identification string that matched this push button element.
    private String ident;

     * The push button element's send key.
    private int sendKey;

     * The push button element's text.
    private String pbText;

     * The layout id to search for in the template for cloning.
    private String layoutId;
    private int combType = 0;

    // -----------
    // -----------

     * Creates a new push button element.
     * @param startpos The startposition of the element's text in the host field text.
     * @param ident    The identification string that matched this push button element.
    private GofPushButtonElement( int startpos, String ident )
      this.startpos = startpos;
      this.ident = ident;

    // ----------------
    // ----------------

     * Sets the push button element's send key and the text for pushbutton.
     * @param text The original text for the push button element.
    private void setSendKeyAndText( String text )
      if( text == null || text.equals( "" ) )

      int numStart = ident.indexOf( "#" );
      int numEnd = ident.lastIndexOf( "#" );
      String num = text.substring( numStart, numEnd + 1 ).trim( );
      layoutId = "PB_F" + num;
      String sendString = null;
        int numVal = Integer.valueOf( num ).intValue( );
        if( numVal > 0 && numVal < 10 )
          sendString = "@" + num;
        else if( numVal >= 10 && numVal <= 24 )
          char[] c = new char[2];
          c[0] = '@';
          c[1] = ( char )( 'a' + ( numVal - 10 ) );
          sendString = new String( c );

        if( sendString != null )
          for( int i = 0, s = HostSendKeys.phantomSendKey.length; i < s; i++ )
            if( sendString.equals( HostSendKeys.phantomSendKey[i] ) )
              sendKey = i + 1;
      catch( NumberFormatException e )

      pbText = ( text.substring( ident.length( ) ) ).trim( );